What Does Royalty Mean in Shark Tank?

What Does Royalty Mean in Shark Tank?

Shark Tank, the iconic television show that showcases entrepreneurial ingenuity and investor acumen, has become a beacon of opportunity for innovators seeking financial backing for their ventures. As aspiring entrepreneurs step onto the proverbial “shark-infested” stage, they not only pitch their business ideas but often find themselves navigating a complex landscape of investment offers.

One particular facet of Shark Tank’s investment ecosystem that has intrigued both entrepreneurs and viewers alike is the concept of “royalty”. This article delves into the intriguing world of what “royalty” means in the context of Shark Tank.

The sharks, comprised of accomplished business magnates and seasoned investors, have an array of investment options at their disposal. While equity investments, where sharks acquire a share of ownership in exchange for their capital, are common, royalty deals offer a distinctive and often more appealing alternative.

Royalty agreements on Shark Tank allow for a symbiotic partnership between the entrepreneur and the investor, where the latter receives a portion of the business’s revenue or profit without necessarily holding an ownership stake.

Equity Vs. Royalty Terms:

What is Equity?

Equity, in the world of finance and business, is a term that signifies ownership. When a business is divided into shares or stocks, each share represents a portion of the company’s ownership. Equity investors purchase these shares, becoming shareholders in the company [1]. The ownership stake in a business comes with the potential for profit as well as a say in the company’s decisions, as shareholders typically have voting rights.

Types of Equity:

  • Common Equity: Common equity represents the most basic form of ownership in a company. It comes with voting rights, which means that shareholders can participate in major decisions affecting the business. However, it also carries the highest risk, as common shareholders are at the end of the line to receive any remaining assets in case of a company’s liquidation;
  • Preferred Equity: Preferred equity, as the name suggests, is given preference over common equity in terms of dividends and liquidation proceeds. Preferred shareholders are entitled to receive fixed dividend payments before common shareholders. They may or may not have voting rights, depending on the terms of the preferred shares;
  • Convertible Equity: Convertible equity is a hybrid form that starts as a debt instrument but can be converted into equity at a later date, usually when certain conditions are met, such as raising a specific amount of capital. This is a popular choice for early-stage startups, as it provides investors with a means to convert their investment into shares when the company is more established [2];

Equity Vs. Royalty Terms

What is Royalty?

Royalty, on the other hand, is a payment arrangement based on the revenue or profits generated by a business or an asset [3]. This arrangement is often associated with licensing intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights. In exchange for using or selling the intellectual property, a business pays a percentage of its revenue to the owner of the IP, known as the “royalty holder”.

Types of Royalty:

  • Product Royalty: In product royalty arrangements, a business pays a percentage of its revenue for each unit of a product sold. This is commonly seen in industries where products incorporate patented technology or copyrighted content. For example, a software company might pay a royalty for each copy of its software sold;
  • Franchise Royalty: Franchise businesses often use royalty models where franchisees pay a percentage of their sales to the franchisor. This allows franchisees to operate under an established brand and business model;
  • Content Royalty: Content creators, such as musicians, authors, and artists, receive royalties based on the sales of their work. This can include revenue from book sales, music streaming, or art exhibitions [4];

Equity vs. Royalty – Key Differences

To make an informed decision between equity and royalty, it’s essential to understand the key differences between these two financial arrangements. The choice often depends on factors like the nature of the business, its growth stage, the investment amount, and the preferences of the parties involved.

1) Ownership vs. Profit-Sharing:

  • Equity: Equity investors become owners of the business. They have a vested interest in the company’s success and share in its profits and losses. The more equity an investor holds, the more say they have in the company’s decisions;
  • Royalty: Royalty, in contrast, does not confer ownership. Instead, it involves sharing a portion of the revenue or profits generated by the business. Royalty holders do not have a direct say in the company’s management or operations;

2) Risk vs. Predictability:

  • Equity: Investing in equity carries a higher level of risk, especially if the business is in its early stages. While there is potential for significant returns, there is also a higher likelihood of losing the entire investment if the company fails;
  • Royalty: Royalty arrangements are generally more predictable in terms of income. Royalty holders receive a fixed percentage of revenue or profit, making it a more stable source of income. However, the potential for extraordinary returns may be limited;

3) Control vs. Autonomy:

  • Equity: Equity investors often have a say in the company’s decision-making processes. They can participate in voting on important matters, which may influence the company’s direction;
  • Royalty: Royalty holders typically have no control over the business’s operations or strategic decisions. They receive their payments regardless of the business’s management;

4) Duration of Commitment:

  • Equity: Equity investments are typically long-term commitments. Investors expect to hold their shares for an extended period, and their returns are tied to the company’s overall success;
  • Royalty: Royalty arrangements can vary in duration. Some may be short-term, such as licensing a patent for a specific period, while others can be long-term, such as ongoing content royalties [5];

Equity vs. Royalty – Key Differences

5) Exit Strategy:

  • Equity: Investors can exit their equity positions by selling their shares on the open market or through private transactions. The value of their shares may fluctuate based on the company’s performance and market conditions;
  • Royalty: Exiting a royalty agreement can be more challenging. It often involves negotiating with the royalty holder or adhering to the terms of the initial agreement. The predictability of royalty income can be an advantage or a limitation, depending on the circumstances;

6) Tax Implications:

  • Equity: The tax treatment of equity investments can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the investor’s specific circumstances. Capital gains from equity investments are subject to taxation, and the rules can be complex;
  • Royalty: Royalty income is typically considered ordinary income and is subject to regular income tax rates. This may result in higher taxes compared to the preferential rates applied to capital gains;

Examples of Equity:

  • Startup Equity Investment: Imagine you’re an investor considering putting money into a tech startup. In exchange for your investment, the company offers you a percentage of its ownership in the form of shares or stock options. These shares represent your equity stake in the business. As the company grows and succeeds, the value of your equity can increase. Conversely, if the company struggles or fails, your equity may become worthless;
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO): When a private company decides to go public and become a publicly traded company, it offers shares to the public through an IPO. Investors can buy these shares, becoming equity shareholders in the company. For example, when Facebook went public in 2012, investors could purchase shares in the company, making them equity owners of Facebook;
  • Venture Capital Investment: Venture capital firms invest in early-stage companies in exchange for equity. If a venture capital firm provides $ 1 million in funding to a startup in return for a 20% equity stake, they become a shareholder with a say in the company’s decisions and a share of the potential profits;

Examples of Royalty:

  • Music Royalties: Musicians often earn royalties for their songs when they are played on the radio, streamed online, or used in movies and commercials. These royalties are typically a percentage of the revenue generated from the use of their music. For instance, a musician might earn a royalty for every time their song is streamed on a music streaming platform like Spotify;
  • Franchise Royalties: Franchise businesses often require franchisees to pay ongoing royalties to the franchisor in exchange for using the brand name, business model, and ongoing support. For example, a fast-food franchisee may pay a percentage of their sales revenue to the franchisor as a royalty fee;
  • Software Licensing Royalties: Software companies often license their products to other businesses. The licensee pays a royalty based on factors like the number of users, copies sold, or revenue generated from the software. For example, a software developer might license their software to a company, and in return, the company pays a royalty based on its software sales;
  • Patent Royalties: A company that holds a patent for a unique technology or innovation may license it to other companies. These companies pay royalties to the patent holder based on the use of the patented technology. For instance, a pharmaceutical company may license a patented drug to another company and receive royalties for each unit of the drug sold;
  • Book Royalties: Authors receive royalties from the sales of their books. These royalties are typically a percentage of the book’s retail price or a set amount per copy sold. For example, a popular author may earn a 10% royalty on the retail price of each book sold, which is paid by the publisher [6];

Examples of Royalty

In each of these examples, the choice between equity and royalty reflects the nature of the arrangement. Equity grants ownership and a share in the long-term success of the entity, while royalties provide a consistent stream of income based on revenue or usage without granting ownership. These real-world scenarios demonstrate the diverse applications of both equity and royalty in various industries and business models.

What Is So Special About Shark Tank’s Royalty Offers?

Compensation directed to an investor or proprietor for granting permission to a third party to utilize or vend a product or asset is known as a royalty payment. The asset in question can take the form of a patent, copyright, or trademark.

As an illustration, the investor might receive a royalty of $ 2 for every product that is successfully sold. In the event that the product is marketed for $ 10, the investor would, in turn, receive $ 2 each time a consumer makes a purchase [7].

The Appeal of Shark Tank’s Royalty Offers

Shark Tank has garnered a massive following for many reasons, but one of the most exciting aspects is the inclusion of royalty deals in the investment options.

Here are some of the factors that make these offers special:

  1. Versatility

Shark Tank’s royalty offers are incredibly versatile. Entrepreneurs and sharks can structure these deals in various ways, tailoring them to the specific needs and circumstances of the business. This adaptability allows for creative and flexible financial arrangements that can benefit both parties.

  1. Fairness and Alignment

Royalty offers are often seen as a fair way to align the interests of investors and entrepreneurs. Unlike equity deals, where the investor becomes a permanent owner with a say in the business’s operations, royalty investors share in the success without diluting the entrepreneur’s ownership. This alignment of interests fosters a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership.

What Is So Special About Shark Tank’s Royalty Offers

  1. Predictable Income

Royalty deals provide investors with predictable income. This predictability can be appealing to investors who are looking for a regular return on their investment, rather than relying on a potential windfall from an equity stake.

  1. Reduced Risk

For entrepreneurs, royalty offers can reduce risk compared to giving up equity. If the business experiences rapid growth, the royalty investor receives a set percentage of the increased revenue. However, if the business faces challenges, the entrepreneur retains full ownership without sharing in the losses.

  1. Creative Financing

Royalty deals can be a solution for entrepreneurs who want to retain control and ownership but need financing to fuel their growth. These deals can offer a way to secure funding without compromising the long-term vision of the business.

  1. Appealing to a Wider Range of Entrepreneurs

Royalty offers on Shark Tank have made it possible for a more diverse range of entrepreneurs to find investment. Many founders who are passionate about their businesses but unwilling to part with ownership percentages have found royalty deals to be a compelling option.

Memorable Examples of Royalty Offers on Shark Tank

Over the years, Shark Tank has featured a plethora of memorable royalty-based deals.

Here are a few standout examples:

  1. Scrub Daddy

Scrub Daddy, a smiley-faced scrubbing tool, struck a royalty deal with Lori Greiner. In exchange for her investment, Lori secured a 20% royalty on all sales until she recouped her initial investment, after which the royalty rate dropped to 10%. This clever deal allowed the inventor to retain ownership and control while benefiting from Lori’s financial support.

  1. ReThink

ReThink, an app designed to combat cyberbullying secured a royalty deal with Mark Cuban. In this case, Mark invested $ 100,000 for 10% equity, but he also included a 10% royalty on all sales until he recouped $ 200,000. This arrangement provided the entrepreneur with a supportive partner and a path to grow the business.

  1. Drop Stop

Drop Stop, a product designed to prevent items from falling between car seats accepted a royalty deal with Lori Greiner and Mark Cuban. They agreed to a combined 20% equity stake and 10% royalty on all sales. This deal showcased the flexibility of royalty offers, allowing for a mix of equity and royalty components.

Examples of Royalty Offers on Shark Tank

Potential Downsides and Challenges

While royalty offers on Shark Tank have their unique appeal, they also come with their set of challenges and potential downsides. Some entrepreneurs may be hesitant to agree to royalty deals, as they might limit the long-term profit potential of their businesses [8]. Additionally, calculating and managing royalty payments can be complex, especially if the business experiences rapid growth.


  1. Which is better – royalty or equity?

The choice between royalty and equity depends on individual circumstances. Equity provides ownership and potential for significant returns but involves higher risk. Royalty offers provide a consistent stream of income, aligning investor and entrepreneur interests, without taking ownership. The decision ultimately depends on the entrepreneur’s needs, the investor’s preferences, and the nature of the business.

  1. Why does Kevin always do royalty deals?

Kevin O’Leary, one of the sharks on Shark Tank, often prefers royalty deals because they offer him a predictable income stream and allow him to recoup his investment quickly. He appreciates the steady cash flow and reduced risk associated with royalty arrangements.

  1. What is stake vs. equity vs. royalty:
  • Stake: A stake refers to a general interest or involvement in a business or situation. It is a broad term that can include equity or royalty interests;
  • Equity: Equity involves owning a share or a percentage of a business. It typically comes with voting rights and a share of profits and losses;
  • Royalty: Royalty is a payment arrangement in which an investor receives a percentage of a business’s revenue or profits, without taking ownership;
  1. What’s the difference between stake and royalty?

The key difference is ownership:

  • Stake: Holding a stake means having an ownership interest in the business, which typically includes voting rights and a share in profits and losses;
  • Royalty: A royalty agreement doesn’t confer ownership. Instead, it involves receiving a percentage of revenue or profits without holding a stake in the business’s ownership;
  1. Is royalty a profit?

Royalty itself is not a profit. It is a payment made to the owner of an asset or intellectual property for the use or sale of that asset. The recipient of the royalty payment earns income, which can contribute to the profit of their business or overall income.

  1. How do royalties work?

Royalties work by providing the owner of an asset, such as intellectual property (e.g., patents, copyrights, trademarks), with a share of the revenue or profit generated from the use or sale of that asset. The terms of royalty agreements vary but typically specify the percentage of revenue or profit paid to the owner and the frequency of payments.

  1. What is the advantage of a royalty deal for an investor?

The primary advantage of a royalty deal for an investor is the predictability of income. Royalty payments provide a consistent stream of revenue, making it easier to recoup the initial investment. Additionally, royalty deals often don’t require active involvement in the business, which can be appealing to some investors.

  1. What happens to royalties when a company is sold?

When a company is sold, what happens to royalties depends on the terms of the royalty agreement. Typically, these agreements are transferable, meaning the new owner must honor the existing royalty terms. In some cases, the sale of the company might trigger a change in the royalty structure, which should be negotiated between the parties involved.

  1. Can you buy royalties?

Yes, royalties can be bought and sold, similar to other assets. An individual or entity can purchase the rights to receive royalty payments from the owner of the underlying asset. This often occurs in the context of intellectual property, music rights, and other revenue-generating assets.

  1. Why royalty is paid?

Royalties are paid as compensation to the owner of an asset, such as intellectual property, for allowing another party to use, license, or sell that asset. It’s a way to reward the creator or owner of the asset for its ongoing use and commercialization.

  1. How are royalties calculated?

Royalties are calculated based on the terms specified in a royalty agreement. Typically, they are a percentage of the revenue or profit generated from the use or sale of the asset. The exact calculation method varies and should be outlined in the contract.

  1. Who is the leader of Shark Tank?

Shark Tank does not have a designated “leader.” The show features a panel of experienced investors, often referred to as “sharks,” but they do not have a leader. Each shark evaluates and makes investment decisions independently.

How do royalties work?

  1. Are 25% royalties good?

A 25% royalty rate can be favorable or unfavorable, depending on the context and industry. It is a relatively high rate, so it may be perceived as good for the party receiving the royalties. However, it could be a significant financial burden for the party making the payments. The fairness of a 25% royalty rate depends on the specifics of the deal and the benefits it offers to both parties.

  1. How long do royalties last?

The duration of royalties depends on the terms negotiated in the royalty agreement. They can last for a specific period, until a financial target is met, or as long as the asset continues to generate revenue. The duration should be clearly defined in the contract.

  1. Who gets paid royalties?

The party that gets paid royalties is the owner of the asset or intellectual property. This can be an individual, a company, an author, an artist, or any entity that holds the rights to the asset. The party using or commercializing the asset makes the royalty payments.

  1. Are royalties paid every month?

The frequency of royalty payments varies and depends on the terms specified in the royalty agreement. Royalties can be paid on various schedules, including monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. The specific payment schedule is determined during the negotiation of the royalty agreement and should be outlined in the contract.

The choice of payment frequency can depend on factors like the industry, the nature of the asset, and the preferences of the parties involved.

Useful Video: Kevin O’Leary Heard the Word ‘Royalty’ and Now He’s In – Shark Tank


  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/sharktank/comments/79tsgn/equity_vs_royalty/
  2. https://www.indiatimes.com/worth/business-terms-used-by-shark-tank-india-judges-560507.html?picid=2225095
  3. https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/equity-vs-royalty/
  4. https://medium.com/tommycestare/the-sorta-comprehensive-guide-to-shark-tank-terms-5bb7706cc1a8
  5. https://www.sharktankblog.com/royalty-perpetuity-stands-r-p/
  6. https://signatureanalytics.com/raising-capital-on-shark-tank/
  7. https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/small-business/articles/royalties/
  8. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/shark-tank-lesson-1-deal-structuring-entrepreneurs-o-donnell/