Posture Now: What Happened After Shark Tank

Posture Now: What Happened After Shark Tank

In the wake of its appearance on the acclaimed television show Shark Tank, Posture Now, the innovative posture correction device developed by Mike Lane and Matt Franklin, faced a transformative journey that extended far beyond the famed investor panel. Introduced to the US market in 2011, the product gained widespread attention for its revolutionary approach to combating poor posture.

This article delves into the post-Shark Tank trajectory of Posture Now, exploring the impact of the Shark Tank experience, the device’s evolving popularity, its effectiveness, and the strategic moves made by its creators, providing an insightful narrative into the ongoing success story of this posture-improving solution.

What Is Posture Now:

Posture Now is essentially a wearable device designed to help users correct their posture. The concept is straightforward – it acts as a gentle reminder to maintain an upright and aligned posture throughout the day. The device consists of two elastic bands that are worn across the back, forming an “X” shape. The bands exert gentle pressure on the shoulders, encouraging the wearer to retract and align them properly [1].

The Concept

The genesis of this product was rooted in the recognition that a considerable number of individuals endure prolonged periods of desk-bound sitting, often oblivious to the adverse repercussions on their well-being.

What Is Posture Now

Distinguishing itself from conventional braces, this device assumes the role of a “gentle prompt” aimed at fostering enhanced posture.

The prescribed usage entails donning the device for a daily span of 30 minutes, strategically designed to instill muscle memory conducive to maintaining optimal posture. Priced at $ 40, it comes with a money-back guarantee, exemplifying the confidence in its efficacy. Remarkably, it has garnered popularity within the community of dancers who appreciate its benefits [2].

How Does It Work?

When the inclination to slouch surfaces, the PostureNOW posture corrective brace acts as a subtle prompt to maintain your shoulders in a retracted position. This involves engaging your muscles, thereby fortifying and conditioning your back muscles for lasting enhancements in posture.

Should you manage to uphold an upright stance for a mere three seconds, there’s no justification for not sustaining it for three minutes, subsequently extending to three hours, and beyond. PostureNOW heightens your consciousness of your postural alignment, enabling you to achieve precisely that.

This is the fundamental function of the PostureNOW posture corrective brace – fostering hyper-awareness of your posture throughout the entirety of your day, even in instances when it is not adorning your person. It facilitates self-correction of your posture, empowering you with the ability to cultivate and maintain optimal postural positioning [3]

Over time, your body and mind harmonize in the establishment of the habitual practice of maintaining good posture.


  • Simple Design: One of the key strengths of Posture Now is its simplicity. The design is straightforward to use, making it accessible to a wide range of users. There are no complex instructions or parts, which contributes to its user-friendly nature;
  • Comfortable Wear: Users report that Posture Now is comfortable to wear for extended periods. The elastic bands are adjustable to accommodate different body sizes, and the material used is breathable, reducing the likelihood of discomfort during use;
  • Visible Results: Many users claim to have experienced positive results in terms of improved posture after consistently using Posture Now. The gentle reminder provided by the device seems to be effective for users who struggle to maintain awareness of their posture throughout the day;
  • Suitable for Various Activities: Posture Now is designed to be worn during a variety of activities, from sitting at a desk to engaging in physical exercise. This versatility makes it a practical tool for individuals with different lifestyles;
  • Affordability: Compared to some other posture correction devices on the market, Posture Now is relatively affordable. This makes it an attractive option for individuals looking for a cost-effective solution to address their posture issues;

Posture Now


  • Limited Adjustability: While the elastic bands are adjustable, some users may find that achieving the perfect fit for their body type is challenging. This lack of precision in adjustability could affect the overall effectiveness of the device for certain individuals;
  • Visible Under Clothing: The design of Posture Now, with its crisscrossed elastic bands, is visible under clothing. This could be a drawback for individuals who prefer a discreet solution, especially in professional or formal settings;
  • Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution: Posture Now may not be suitable for everyone. Users with specific medical conditions or body shapes may find the device less effective or uncomfortable to wear. Potential users must consider their individual needs and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary;
  • Dependency Concerns: Some critics argue that relying on a wearable device for posture correction might lead to dependency issues. Users could become reliant on the device, potentially hindering the development of natural postural awareness and muscle strength;
  • Limited Scientific Validation: While there are anecdotal reports of improved posture, the scientific validation of Posture Now is somewhat limited. There is a lack of comprehensive studies or clinical trials supporting the long-term effectiveness of the device;
  • User Feedback: User feedback on Posture Now is mixed, reflecting the diverse experiences of individuals using the product. Positive reviews often highlight the noticeable improvement in posture and the ease of incorporating the device into daily routines. On the other hand, negative reviews commonly mention issues with comfort, adjustability, or the visibility of the device under clothing;

Who May Benefit From Using?

Office Workers:

People who spend long hours sitting at a desk or working on a computer can develop poor posture habits. Posture Now could be a valuable tool for office workers, serving as a constant reminder to maintain an upright posture and reduce the strain on the neck and shoulders [4].


Students who spend extended periods studying or working on assignments, often in a seated position, may benefit from Posture Now. The device can help them develop better posture habits during study sessions, potentially preventing the onset of musculoskeletal issues associated with prolonged sitting.

Fitness Enthusiasts:

Individuals engaged in various forms of exercise, including weightlifting or cardiovascular workouts, may find Posture Now useful. Wearing the device during workouts can enhance awareness of proper posture, ensuring that exercises are performed with the correct form to prevent injuries.

Individuals with Sedentary Lifestyles:

Those with sedentary lifestyles, including individuals who spend a significant amount of time watching TV or playing video games, may benefit from Posture Now. The device can counteract the tendency to slouch during prolonged periods of inactivity.

People Recovering from Injuries:

Individuals recovering from injuries, particularly those affecting the back or shoulders, may find Posture Now helpful as a support tool. It can aid in maintaining a correct posture during the recovery period, promoting healing and preventing the exacerbation of existing issues.


As people age, maintaining good posture becomes increasingly important for overall health. Posture Now can be a valuable tool for seniors, providing gentle support to counteract the effects of aging and helping to prevent posture-related problems common in later years.

Individuals with Postural Awareness Challenges:

Some people struggle with maintaining awareness of their posture throughout the day. Posture Now can serve as a consistent reminder, aiding those who find it challenging to consciously correct their posture without external cues.

Who May Benefit From Using

Prevention of Postural Issues:

Even individuals without current posture problems may benefit from using Posture Now as a preventive measure. It can help instill good posture habits early on, potentially reducing the risk of developing musculoskeletal issues in the future.

Those Seeking an Affordable Solution:

Posture Now’s affordability makes it an attractive option for individuals who are looking for a cost-effective way to address their posture concerns. It provides a straightforward and accessible solution without the financial burden associated with some other posture correction devices.

Post-Surgical Patients:

Individuals who have undergone certain surgical procedures, such as spinal surgery, may find Posture Now beneficial during the recovery phase. It can offer additional support and help prevent the development of poor posture habits during the healing process.

About Founders Of Posture Now

Posture Now, the brainchild of innovators Mike Lane and Matt Franklin, made its debut in the US market in 2011, offering a groundbreaking solution to the pervasive issue of poor posture [5]. Described by the duo as a “revolutionary posture-correction device,” Posture Now comprises two neoprene arm bands connected by a flexible elastic band that seamlessly integrates into one’s attire.

The impetus behind the creation of Posture Now stemmed from a shared concern for the health repercussions of the sedentary lifestyle prevalent in modern society. With individuals spending a substantial portion of their day—between 8 and 9 hours—seated at computers or desks, Mike and Matt recognized the urgent need for a corrective measure. The device was conceived as a response to the neglect of posture and its potential serious health implications.

Conducting meticulous market research, the creators unearthed a staggering statistic – over one million people each month were actively seeking information related to posture through web searches. This revelation underscored the widespread demand for a solution like Posture Now. Poor posture, identified as a burgeoning epidemic not only in the US but globally, prompted Mike and Matt to address a pressing health concern affecting millions of lives.

In essence, Posture Now emerged as a timely and innovative response to the growing awareness of the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting on posture and overall well-being.

About Founders Of Posture Now

The Pitch Of Posture Now At Shark Tank

Mike and Matt, having already made some strides in the US market, decided it was time to dive into the high-stakes environment of Shark Tank. They aspired to find a Shark who shared their enthusiasm for their innovative concept, offering not just financial support but also valuable business expertise. Arriving with a compelling pitch, they sought a $ 100,000 investment in exchange for a 15% stake in their company.

To make their presentation even more memorable, they enlisted the help of two dancers from “Dancing with the Stars”, showcasing the benefits of Posture Now in action.

As the dancers demonstrated the positive impact of Posture Now, Mike and Matt faced early criticism from the Sharks, who seemed skeptical about the valuation of their business. Despite having invested a relatively modest amount of their own money in setting up the venture, online sales had already generated an impressive $ 130,000. However, when questioned about their use of profits, the duo revealed that they had split the earnings rather than reinvest, as the business was still considered a part-time endeavor.

The Sharks, eager to initiate negotiations, witnessed a surprising turn of events when Kevin O’Leary presented his offer: $ 100,000 for a hefty 50% stake in the company. Mike’s swift rejection of the offer took the Sharks back, leading to a tense atmosphere in the Shark Tank. As two Sharks bowed out, Robert Herjavec and Mark Cuban remained in the fray.

Robert’s offer was promptly dismissed, and when Mark proposed $ 100,000 for a 30% stake—double the equity initially offered by Mike and Matt, coupled with a $ 5 royalty until he recouped his investment—the entrepreneurs saw the opportunity they were waiting for.

Accepting Mark’s offer, Mike made good on his promise and quit his job live on national television, marking a defining moment in their entrepreneurial journey.

Posture Now After The Shark Tank

Since Mark’s strategic involvement, the company has enjoyed sustained success, with their flagship product, a back brace designed for posture correction, reigning as a bestseller and securing the coveted position as the #1 posture corrector in the market. This innovative solution takes the form of a band encircling the arms, gently tightening as a subtle reminder against slumping or shoulder-slouching.

Its unique feature lies in its ability to cultivate muscle memory over time, facilitating the correction of body posture even when the device is not being worn.

The Pitch Of Posture Now At Shark Tank

Following their appearance on Shark Tank, Mike took a swift exit from his job, a decision promptly matched by Matt, who bid farewell to his employment toward the close of 2012. The aftermath of their Shark Tank debut was nothing short of spectacular – in the inaugural week post-airing, their product generated a staggering $ 100,000 in sales [6].

March of 2013 saw Mike and Matt immersing themselves in factory tours and the development of innovative products, marking a pivotal juncture in their entrepreneurial journey.

Remarkably, the post-Shark Tank era catapulted their sales, surpassing the cumulative figures of their initial three years in business. Notably, the seasoned investor Mark Cuban joined the ranks of supporters, investing in yet another Shark Tank success story.

Over the years, the company demonstrated unwavering consistency in sales, a testament to the enduring appeal of its products. As of August 2021, they maintained their entrepreneurial stride, boasting an impressive $ 6 million in annual revenue. However, a twist in the narrative emerged in August 2022 when the company faced a unique challenge – they declared themselves “sold out”.

While the product’s sales have soared, the company’s social media presence has yet to mirror this level of dominance. Despite maintaining a presence on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, their posts are sporadic. Surprisingly, the company has yet to tap into the potential of Instagram, a powerhouse in contemporary business marketing strategies.

One notable aspect of their marketing strategy involves endorsements from chiropractors and various medical professionals, a testament to the product’s credibility within the healthcare community. Not content with their current reach, Matt and Mike have set their sights on expanding their market. Their goal includes targeting departments such as Human Resources (HR), emphasizing the product’s relevance for individuals who spend extended hours on computers.

This strategic approach showcases their dedication to broadening their consumer base and addressing the evolving needs of diverse demographics.

The Net Worth Of Posture Now

As of October 2023, the net worth of Posture Now is estimated at $ 666,666, showing substantial growth from its previous valuation of $ 333,333 [7]. The company is also reported to be generating an impressive $ 6 million in annual revenue.

This success can be attributed to the investment made by Mark Cuban on Shark Tank, which significantly boosted the company’s value. After the episode aired, Posture Now reportedly sold $ 100,000 worth of products in the first week, and they have continued to grow consistently since then.

The product retails for $ 39.95 and costs around $ 5.00 to manufacture. Despite this relatively low production cost, the company has managed to sell $ 330k worth of the Posture Now Braces over the years.

The Net Worth Of Posture Now

Alternatives To Posture Now:

  1. Upright Go:
  • How it works: Upright Go is a posture trainer that attaches to the upper back and vibrates when the user slouches, providing real-time feedback;
  • Pros: Offers discreet and customizable training, tracks progress through a mobile app;
  • Cons: Relies on adhesive pads for attachment, may not be comfortable for extended use;
  1. Lumo Lift:
  • How it works: Lumo Lift is a small posture sensor that clips onto clothing. It vibrates to alert the user when they slouch and tracks posture habits over time;
  • Pros: Discreet, tracks daily habits, offers a personalized coaching program;
  • Cons: Some users find the sensor’s placement less comfortable, and it may not be as effective during certain activities;
  1. BackEmbrace:
  • How it works: BackEmbrace is a posture corrector designed as a wrap-around brace. It provides support for the upper back and shoulders;
  • Pros: Adjustable and customizable, discreet under clothing, suitable for various body types;
  • Cons: May not provide as constant a reminder as some electronic devices, and some users may find it visible under tight clothing;
  1. BetterBack:
  • How it works: BetterBack is a portable, lower-back support device that wraps around the user and promotes a neutral spine position;
  • Pros: Easy to use, suitable for sitting, lightweight and portable
  • Cons: Focuses primarily on lower back support, may not address upper back and shoulder issues;
  1. BackJoy SitSmart Posture Plus:
  • How it works: BackJoy SitSmart is a seat cushion designed to promote proper sitting posture by tilting the pelvis forward;
  • Pros: Portable and versatile, suitable for various seating situations;
  • Cons: Primarily focuses on seated posture, may not provide support during standing or moving activities;
  1. Chirp Wheel+:
  • How it works: Chirp Wheel+ is a set of wheels designed to provide back support and improve spinal flexibility;
  • Pros: Targets the entire spine, aids in stretching and relieving tension;
  • Cons: Not specifically a posture correction device, may not provide constant feedback on posture habits;
  1. Alexander Technique Lessons:
  • How it works: The Alexander Technique is an educational method that teaches individuals to improve posture and movement habits through lessons with a certified instructor;
  • Pros: Holistic approach, emphasizes body awareness and movement;
  • Cons: Requires ongoing lessons, not a quick-fix solution;
  1. Physical Therapy:
  • How it works: A physical therapist can provide personalized exercises and techniques to address specific posture issues and strengthen supporting muscles;
  • Pros: Tailored to individual needs, addresses underlying muscle imbalances;
  • Cons: Requires time and commitment, may involve additional costs;
  1. Yoga and Pilates:
  • How it works: Regular participation in yoga or Pilates classes can improve flexibility, strength, and overall body awareness, contributing to better posture;
  • Pros: Holistic approach, promotes overall well-being;
  • Cons: Results may take time, and require consistent practice;
  1. Ergonomic Workspace Adjustments:
  • How it works: Making adjustments to the workspace, such as chair height, desk setup, and monitor placement, can contribute to better posture;
  • Pros: Addresses environmental factors contributing to poor posture;
  • Cons: Does not provide continuous feedback on individual posture habits;


  1. Do posture products work?

Yes, posture products, when designed and used correctly, can be effective in improving posture. Posture Now, in particular, has gained recognition for its innovative approach to posture correction, providing users with a gentle reminder to maintain proper alignment.

  1. What is the posture thing revealed in Shark Tank?

The posture product revealed in Shark Tank is Posture Now. Created by Mike Lane and Matt Franklin, it’s a posture correction device that garnered attention for its simplicity and effectiveness. The product consists of two neoprene arm bands connected by a flexible elastic band, aiming to encourage proper posture.

  1. How does Posture Now work?

Posture Now functions as a “soft reminder” to improve posture. The device, worn as two neoprene arm bands connected by an elastic band, exerts gentle pressure on the shoulders. This encourages the wearer to keep their shoulders back, promoting muscle engagement and training for lasting posture improvement.

  1. How long do you have to wear a back brace for posture?

For optimal results, it is recommended to wear Posture Now for approximately 30 minutes daily. This duration is strategically chosen to develop muscle memory, helping users maintain good posture even when not wearing the device.

Do posture products work

  1. Are posture correctors safe?

When used as directed, posture correctors like Posture Now are generally safe. It’s essential to follow the product’s guidelines, adjust it to fit comfortably, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions.

  1. Is it okay to wear a back brace every day?

Wearing a back brace, such as Posture Now, every day is generally safe and can be beneficial for developing and maintaining good posture. However, it’s crucial to listen to your body, ensure proper fit, and take breaks to allow your muscles to work naturally.

  1. Do posture shirts work?

Posture shirts, like other posture correction products, can be effective for some individuals. Posture Now, with its unique armband design, stands out as a successful posture correction device. The effectiveness of posture shirts may vary, and users should choose products based on personal comfort and preference.

Useful Video: PostureNOW Intro Video

