Brand Yourself: What Happened After Shark Tank

Brand Yourself: What Happened After Shark Tank

In the entrepreneurial arena, the impact of a Shark Tank appearance can be transformative, propelling businesses into new realms of success or posing unforeseen challenges. Such is the case with BrandYourself, a digital reputation management service founded by three Syracuse University students.

Despite not securing a deal on the popular TV show, BrandYourself experienced an extraordinary journey post-Shark Tank, marked by exponential growth, strategic innovations, and a steadfast commitment to empowering individuals in shaping their online identities.

This article delves into the riveting narrative of BrandYourself’s evolution, exploring the pivotal moments and key milestones that defined its trajectory after facing the Sharks.

What Is Brand Yourself:

Brand Yourself is a unique platform designed to empower individuals to manage their online reputation effectively. In a world where first impressions are often made online, the product claims to provide users with the tools to control how they appear in search results, ensuring that their digital footprint reflects their true professional identity [1].

BrandYourself offers a comprehensive suite of services aimed at empowering individuals to take control of their online presence and reputation. 

Improve Google Results

BrandYourself focuses on enhancing your online presence by strategically improving Google search results. The service employs advanced search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to minimize the impact of unflattering search results and promote positive and relevant content.

What Is Brand Yourself

Clean Up Social Media

Recognizing the importance of a clean and professional social media presence, BrandYourself assists users in removing any unprofessional posts and images that may adversely affect their personal or professional lives. This feature contributes to presenting a polished and positive image online.

Protect Online Privacy

BrandYourself offers privacy protection by helping users remove sensitive information from the web. This includes details such as home addresses, date of birth, phone numbers, and other personal information that individuals may want to keep private.

Build a Personal Brand

The service is designed to aid users in creating a robust and positive online presence that aligns with their accomplishments and career goals. By strategically shaping and curating content, BrandYourself contributes to the development of a compelling personal brand.

Free Risk Scan

BrandYourself provides a free risk scan using its software to identify potential factors that could pose a risk to your privacy or reputation. This scan serves as an initial assessment, highlighting areas that may require attention or improvement.

Customized Action Plans

Based on the results of the risk scan, BrandYourself offers users customized action plans. These plans provide step-by-step guidance on improving their Google appearance and cleaning up their social media profiles. The personalized nature of these plans enhances their effectiveness [2].

Managed Services for Individuals and Businesses

In addition to its self-service tools, BrandYourself offers managed services for both individuals and businesses. This includes more hands-on assistance in reputation management, online presence enhancement, and privacy protection.

API & Risk Scan Technology

BrandYourself provides API and Risk Scan Technology, reflecting its commitment to leveraging technology for comprehensive reputation and privacy management. These features contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the services offered.

Testimonials and Press Reviews

BrandYourself boasts positive testimonials from users and favorable reviews in the press, highlighting the effectiveness and value of its services. This user feedback serves as a testament to the impact of BrandYourself in helping individuals manage their online reputation.

How Does It Work?

  • Advanced SEO Techniques: BrandYourself leverages advanced search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to optimize the online presence of its users. By employing SEO strategies, the service aims to boost the visibility of positive and relevant content while minimizing the impact of undesirable search results;
  • Content Highlighting and Promotion: The platform facilitates the identification and promotion of positive content about individuals. Through an intuitive interface and SEO tools, users can actively shape their online profiles and pages to showcase accomplishments, qualifications, and other favorable aspects of their personal and professional lives;
  • Real-Time Mention Alerts: BrandYourself offers a real-time online tracking system that promptly notifies users whenever their name is mentioned on the internet. This feature allows users to stay informed about new mentions and enables them to respond or engage with the content in real time, contributing to active reputation management;
  • User-Friendly Interface: With an easy-to-use interface, BrandYourself ensures that users can navigate the platform effortlessly. The streamlined design facilitates the identification of positive content, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technological expertise;
  • Optimized Online Profiles: BrandYourself provides users with tools specifically designed for optimizing their online profiles and pages. This includes guidance on how to structure and present information to align with professional goals, thereby contributing to a more impactful and positive online image.
  • Tailored Features for Image Improvement: The service offers a range of features tailored to improve users’ online image and brand. These may include actionable insights, personalized recommendations, and other tools designed to empower individuals in actively managing how they are perceived online;
  • Reputation Recovery Tool: BrandYourself can be a valuable tool for individuals who have faced online slander or negative publicity. By providing the means to regain control of their online image, the service serves as a crucial asset for those seeking to rebuild and reshape their digital reputation;
  • Professional Use Cases: Professionals, in particular, can benefit from BrandYourself by ensuring that their online presence accurately reflects their qualifications and achievements. It serves as a proactive tool for maintaining a positive professional image in the digital realm [3];

Users can contact BrandYourself for additional information or assistance through phone or live chat. This customer support option enhances the accessibility of the service and ensures that users can seek help when needed.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Brand Yourself boasts a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technological expertise. The platform guides users through the process of optimizing their online presence with clear instructions and intuitive design;
  • Comprehensive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools: One of the standout features of Brand Yourself is its robust SEO toolkit. Users can identify and prioritize the search results they want associated with their name, ensuring that positive and relevant information takes precedence over potentially damaging content
  • Social Media Monitoring: Brand Yourself allows users to connect their social media accounts, enabling real-time monitoring of their online activity. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining a consistent and professional image across different platforms;
  • Reputation Management: The platform offers reputation management tools that help users address any negative search results or content. It guides how to improve online reputation and mitigate the impact of unfavorable information;
  • Personalized Action Plans: Brand Yourself generates personalized action plans based on the user’s online presence. These plans provide step-by-step instructions on how to enhance their digital footprint, making the process of online reputation management more actionable and attainable;
  • Privacy Controls: Recognizing the importance of privacy, Brand Yourself includes features that allow users to control the visibility of certain information. This empowers individuals to strike a balance between maintaining a professional online presence and protecting their personal lives;
  • Educational Resources: Brand Yourself offers a wealth of educational resources, including articles and guides on topics such as personal branding, online reputation management, and SEO best practices. This ensures that users are well-informed and equipped to make strategic decisions about their online presence;

How Does It Work?


  • Subscription Cost: One of the primary drawbacks of Brand Yourself is its subscription cost. While the platform offers a free version with limited features, the full suite of tools is only available through a paid subscription. This pricing model may deter budget-conscious users from accessing the complete range of services;
  • Limited Impact on Existing Content: Brand Yourself primarily focuses on optimizing future content and search results. However, its effectiveness in altering or removing existing negative content is limited. Users with a significant amount of pre-existing damaging content may find it challenging to completely reshape their online image;
  • Dependency on Search Engine Algorithms: The success of Brand Yourself is contingent on search engine algorithms, which are constantly evolving. Changes in these algorithms can impact the effectiveness of the platform’s SEO tools, making it challenging for users to maintain a consistently positive online presence;
  • Incomplete Social Media Coverage: While Brand Yourself integrates with major social media platforms, its coverage may be incomplete. As social media landscapes evolve, new platforms emerge, and existing ones may gain or lose relevance. Users may find that Brand Yourself lacks comprehensive coverage of all the platforms important to their professional image;
  • Lack of Mobile Application: Brand Yourself currently lacks a dedicated mobile application. In an era where users increasingly rely on mobile devices for online activities, the absence of a mobile app may limit the accessibility and convenience of the platform;
  • Overemphasis on Individual Effort: The success of Brand Yourself relies heavily on the user’s commitment to consistently implement the recommended strategies. While the platform provides valuable insights and action plans, individuals with limited time or motivation may struggle to achieve optimal results [4];

Who May Benefit From Using?

Job Seekers and Career Professionals

Individuals actively seeking employment or looking to advance their careers can benefit from Brand Yourself by presenting a polished and professional online image. The platform’s SEO tools can help prioritize positive search results, making a strong first impression on potential employers and business partners.

Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

For entrepreneurs and small business owners, personal branding is often intertwined with the success of their ventures. Brand Yourself provides these individuals with the means to shape and control their digital identity, which can be crucial in attracting clients, investors, and collaborators.

Freelancers and Independent Contractors

Freelancers and independent contractors rely on their online presence to attract clients and secure projects. Brand Yourself’s reputation management features and social media monitoring tools can help freelancers maintain a consistent and positive image, ultimately enhancing their marketability.

Students and Recent Graduates

As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, students and recent graduates can use Brand Yourself to establish a positive online presence early in their careers. The platform’s educational resources can also serve as valuable guidance for those entering the professional world.

Public Figures and Influencers

Public figures, including influencers and those in the public eye, often face heightened scrutiny online. Brand Yourself can be a valuable tool for managing and optimizing their digital reputation, ensuring that they are portrayed in a manner consistent with their personal brand.

Individuals Recovering from a Negative Online Presence

Those who have experienced challenges with negative online content or a damaged digital reputation can use Brand Yourself to address and mitigate the impact. The platform’s reputation management tools offer a structured approach to improving one’s online image over time.

Professionals in Sensitive Industries

Individuals working in industries where personal reputation is of utmost importance, such as finance, law, or healthcare, can benefit from the privacy controls and reputation management features of Brand Yourself. These tools provide an added layer of control over the information accessible to the public [5].

Anyone Seeking to Build a Professional Online Presence

Brand Yourself is valuable for anyone looking to proactively manage their online presence, regardless of their current professional status. Whether for personal satisfaction, networking, or future opportunities, the platform offers a comprehensive set of tools to help individuals put their best digital foot forward.

About Founders Of Brand Yourself

Founded in 2010 by three Syracuse University students – Pete Kistler, Patrick Ambron, and Evan McGowan-Watson – BrandYourself originated from Kistler’s personal struggle to secure a job as a computer programmer in 2008 [6]. This difficulty stemmed from sharing a name with a drug dealer, a situation that gained widespread media attention. NPR highlighted the narrative of Kistler, the computer programmer, being mistaken for the drug dealer as an example of the internet’s distortion of truth through repetition, despite their inability to locate any drug dealers named Pete Kistler. 

Shortly after its establishment, BrandYourself secured $ 300,000 in a seed funding round. In 2012, the company completed a venture capital funding round, raising $ 1.2 million. Notable investors in this round included Zelkova Ventures, along with angel investors Barney Pell, former head search strategist at Microsoft, and Carl Schramm, former CEO of the Kauffman Foundation.

About Founders Of Brand Yourself

BrandYourself achieved another milestone in 2014 by closing a Series A funding round, accumulating a total of $ 3.3 million. This financial backing further solidified the company’s position in the market.

In 2015, Patrick Ambron, one of the co-founders, took the BrandYourself story to the popular TV show Shark Tank, seeking additional capital for the company’s growth and development. This move marked a significant moment in the company’s journey, showcasing its ambition and determination to secure the resources needed for continued success.

The Pitch Of Brand Yourself At Shark Tank

Patrick Ambron, one of the triumvirate of founders behind BrandYourself, took center stage on Shark Tank, pitching an investment deal that sought two million dollars in exchange for a thirteen-and-a-half percent stake in the company [7].

This valuation put the company at approximately fifteen million dollars. The pitch delved into the pervasive issue of occasional minor indiscretions that, while not defining individuals, can significantly impact their online image. Patrick illustrated this problem with the example of “Bob”, an Ivy League valedictorian unable to secure employment due to embarrassing vacation photos circulating online.

BrandYourself, as Patrick explained, guides users through a process of assessing their online presence, identifying potential issues, and proposing tailored solutions. These solutions encompass strategies such as proper tagging, the publication of original content, and mentions on high-ranking third-party sites.

Despite the innovative approach, the Sharks raised eyebrows at Patrick’s valuation. Kevin probed into the revenue model, questioning how BrandYourself makes money. Patrick clarified that the service primarily operates as a free experience to attract users, with the option to upgrade to a premium subscription for enhanced functionality at ten dollars per month. In 2013, BrandYourself expanded its offerings with a concierge service tailored for larger businesses and executives, allowing for custom contracts to suit specific needs.

Patrick presented key user metrics to Robert, emphasizing the company’s remarkable growth and optimistic projections. After just over two years in business, BrandYourself had amassed two million two hundred thousand dollars in revenue, with an additional five hundred thousand in booked contracts. Patrick anticipated over two million dollars in sales for 2014 alone.

Concerns emerged during the pitch. Mark voiced worries about the growing significance of social media in hiring processes and questioned BrandYourself’s readiness to adapt. Kevin expressed concerns about differentiation, pondering whether BrandYourself was positioning itself as a low-cost provider. Patrick defended the company’s standing as an industry leader, offering a superior product.

Daymond and Lori bowed out for reasons related to unfamiliarity with the space and concerns about the potential competition’s advertising budget, respectively. Mark, skeptical about BrandYourself’s ability to adapt quickly, also opted out.

Robert, however, saw potential in BrandYourself, especially for less tech-savvy consumers. Despite acknowledging Patrick’s “nuts” valuation, Robert made an offer: two million dollars for a twenty-five percent stake. Patrick hesitated, citing inflexibility due to other investors. Robert stood firm, cautioning about the risks but expressing a belief in BrandYourself’s potential growth.

The Pitch Of Brand Yourself At Shark Tank

In a surprising move, Patrick declined Robert’s offer, stating that he couldn’t accept it. The exchange highlighted the tension between the founder’s valuation and the investor’s perceived risk. Kevin, thinking the valuation was already generous, urged Robert to retract his offer, claiming he could build a similar business himself. Robert, however, stood by his offer, emphasizing BrandYourself’s growth potential.

Brand Yourself After The Shark Tank

BrandYourself’s journey since its appearance on Shark Tank has been nothing short of remarkable, showcasing resilience, strategic growth, and a keen ability to adapt to market demands. Although the company did not secure a deal on the show, the exposure from the “Shark Tank effect” proved to be a catalyst for their success.

Following their Shark Tank appearance, BrandYourself experienced a substantial surge in business, with reported sales exceeding $ 1 million. This marked a significant leap from their pre-show performance, demonstrating the influential impact of national television exposure on their brand.

The period between the filming and broadcast of the Shark Tank episode proved crucial for BrandYourself’s expansion. The company’s revenue soared from $ 2 million to an impressive $ 6 million, a testament to the increased attention and trust garnered from potential users.

In 2016, BrandYourself secured an additional $ 2 million in funding as an extension of their Series A round. This financial injection was strategically aimed at broadening the company’s product lineup, indicating a commitment to innovation and staying ahead in the rapidly evolving market.

By 2017, BrandYourself had amassed over 500,000 users, with an impressive 30,000 of them being paid subscribers. The platform’s adoption expanded to academic institutions, including Johns Hopkins University and Syracuse University. Furthermore, BrandYourself extended its services to high school students, recognizing the importance of online reputation management from an early age.

The year 2018 brought BrandYourself to the international stage, as they appeared on the BBC’s Dragon’s Den and accepted an offer from Peter Jones. The company introduced innovative AI software capable of scanning social media accounts to identify potentially damaging content, aligning with the evolving needs of users in the digital age.

The introduction of this AI software, utilizing technology similar to that employed by hiring managers, marked another milestone for BrandYourself. It demonstrated a commitment to staying at the forefront of reputation management by proactively addressing issues related to negative social media content.

By the end of 2018, BrandYourself’s user base had expanded significantly, reaching approximately one million users. The company continued to thrive, boasting over 70 employees and an impressive annual revenue of $ 7 million.

The company’s valuation in 2021 reached a substantial $ 21.8 million, backed by prominent investors such as Zelkova Ventures and Atlantic Venture Partners. This valuation not only reflected the financial health of the company but also underscored the confidence investors had in BrandYourself’s potential for sustained growth.

Brand Yourself After The Shark Tank

BrandYourself’s ability to introduce cutting-edge AI technology, expand its services to educational institutions, and consistently adapt to market dynamics has positioned it as a resilient player in the online reputation management space. The company’s success story serves as a testament to its strategic vision, customer-focused approach, and the capacity to thrive in a competitive landscape, even in the absence of a Shark Tank deal.

As of 2023, BrandYourself remains operational, and successful, and continues to play a pivotal role in helping individuals shape and manage their online presence.

The Net Worth Of Brand Yourself

BrandYourself, an online reputation management company, has made significant strides since its appearance on Shark Tank in 2015. According to multiple sources, the current estimated net worth of BrandYourself is around $ 20 million 2012 Fox News Interview [8].

Before making its debut on Shark Tank, the company was valued at $ 15 million. The founders sought a $ 2 million investment for a 13.5% stake in the company, indicating a robust financial standing even before their television appearance.

BrandYourself’s revenue has also seen substantial growth over the years. The company’s estimated annual revenue currently stands at $ 15.7 million. In the first two years of business, BrandYourself reported $ 2.2 million in sales, showing a significant increase in revenue over time.

The company, which was started by Patrick Ambron in 2010, employs over 70 people, further indicating its successful expansion. BrandYourself has also raised significant venture funding, with a reported $ 2 million received in August 2016.

The Net Worth Of Brand Yourself

Alternatives To Brand Yourself:

1) ReputationDefender

ReputationDefender provides comprehensive online reputation management services. It offers tools to monitor and manage online reviews, suppress negative search results, and build a positive online presence. The service caters to individuals, businesses, and professionals.

2) focuses on helping individuals and businesses enhance their online reputation. The platform offers solutions for online reviews, social media monitoring, and search engine optimization. is suitable for users looking to improve their digital presence across various online platforms.

3) Google Alerts

For users seeking a free and straightforward solution, Google Alerts can be an effective tool. It allows users to set up alerts for their name or other keywords, receiving notifications whenever new content is indexed by Google. While not as comprehensive as dedicated reputation management services, it provides a basic monitoring system.

4) Social Mention

Social Mention is a social media search and analysis platform that allows users to monitor mentions of their name or brand across various social media platforms. It provides real-time data and sentiment analysis, offering insights into how individuals are perceived online.

5) Yext

Yext focuses on managing business information across online directories. While primarily designed for businesses, individuals looking to ensure accurate and consistent information across online platforms may find Yext beneficial. It helps control the information displayed in search results.

6) Personal Websites and Blogs

Building and maintaining a personal website or blog is a proactive way to manage your online presence. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace offer user-friendly tools to create professional websites. Users can control the content, showcase achievements, and optimize for search engines.

7) Online Privacy Tools

Various online privacy tools, such as DeleteMe, focus on removing personal information from data broker websites. While not directly related to personal branding, these tools can contribute to maintaining privacy and controlling the availability of personal information online.

Alternatives To Brand Yourself


  1. How many employees does BrandYourself have?

As of 2023, BrandYourself has over 70 employees contributing to its operations and growth.

  1. Is BrandYourself a scam?

No, BrandYourself is a legitimate and established online reputation management service. It has garnered positive reviews and testimonials, and its effectiveness is recognized in the industry.

  1. Where is BrandYourself located?

BrandYourself is headquartered in New York City, USA.

  1. What is the current status of BrandYourself?

BrandYourself is a thriving and operational company, that continues to provide online reputation management services to individuals and businesses.

  1. What is the most important factor in the business of BrandYourself?

The core focus of BrandYourself’s business is helping individuals take control of their online image and internet presence. The service employs advanced SEO techniques to enhance positive search results and offers tools for cleaning up social media, protecting online privacy, and building a strong personal brand.

  1. How do I contact BrandYourself?

You can contact BrandYourself through various channels. For general inquiries or support, you may reach out via the official website. Additionally, you can visit the official website for more contact options, including phone and live chat support.

  1. How old is BrandYourself?

BrandYourself was founded in 2010, making it 13 years old as of 2023. The company has undergone significant growth and evolution since its inception.

How many employees does BrandYourself have?

  1. How do I cancel my BrandYourself account?

To cancel your BrandYourself account, log in to your profile on the official website. Navigate to the account settings or subscription section, where you should find options for canceling your account. Follow the provided instructions for a seamless cancellation process.

  1. Is BrandYourself free?

BrandYourself offers a primarily free experience, allowing users to access essential tools for managing their online presence. For enhanced functionality and features, users have the option to upgrade to a premium subscription, which is available at a monthly cost of ten dollars. The company also provides additional services for larger businesses and executives through its concierge service, which involves a custom contract to suit specific needs.

Useful Video: 2012 Fox News Interview

