First Defense Nasal Screens: What Happened After Shark Tank

First Defense Nasal Screens: What Happened After Shark Tank

The trajectory of products that grace the stage of “Shark Tank”, a show that amplifies the dreams of innovators and entrepreneurs, often becomes a subject of fascination and scrutiny. Among these remarkable ventures is the narrative of First Defense Nasal Screens, an inventive solution aimed at revolutionizing the way we engage with our environment.

As the spotlight of “Shark Tank” shone upon its inventor Joe Moore and his creation, the world watched with bated breath, curious to witness how the intersection of innovation and investment would unfold. Beyond the confines of the television screen, the company embarked on a dynamic expedition, fueled by newfound attention, financial backing, and the intrinsic merit of its product.

This narrative isn’t merely a chronicle of financial negotiations and business decisions; it’s an exploration of the resilience, adaptability, and ingenuity that propel an idea from obscurity to prominence. 

As we delve into the aftermath of that pivotal “Shark Tank” episode, the multifaceted story of First Defense Nasal Screens emerges, encapsulating the essence of entrepreneurial pursuit and the profound impact that a singular concept can exert on the world.

What Is First Defense Nasal Screens?

Introducing the First Defense Nasal Screen (FDNS), an innovation crafted to act as a shield against pollutants and airborne debris, safeguarding the purity of the air reaching our lungs. This groundbreaking filtration system presents a user-friendly approach, promising a substantial transformative impact on your overall quality of life [1].

Serving akin to a mask, yet elevating convenience to unprecedented levels, this ingenious device forms an impervious barrier. Its role encompasses shielding against minute particles, respiratory droplets, haze, allergens, as well as harmful pathogens.

First Defense Nasal Screens

Initial laboratory trials have unveiled an astounding success rate of 92%, establishing its efficacy beyond doubt. Noteworthy is its remarkable performance, boasting a 99% proficiency in capturing particles as diminutive as 1 micron, and an impressive 77% efficiency for those as minuscule as 0.1 microns [2].

Operating as an air filter that snugly fits over the nasal region, the First Defense Nasal Screen orchestrates an environment conducive to inhaling air of heightened purity. By curbing the presence of allergens, bacteria, and the specter of pollution, it effectively curtails the susceptibility to these elements, ushering in a newfound level of well-being.

About Founders Of First Defense Nasal Screens

In the year 2011, a pivotal notion took root within Joe Moore’s mind – a concept centered around fashioning a nasal screen [3]. This notion emerged from the brink of danger, as Moore narrowly escaped a potentially life-threatening circumstance induced by an onslaught of sneezes. While traversing a bustling highway, the sudden onslaught of sneezes veered his attention away from the road, thrusting him perilously close to the rear of a massive semi-trailer truck.

This harrowing incident served as the wellspring of inspiration, propelling Moore to seek remedies for comparable future predicaments. Mulling over potential solutions, the concept of employing face masks arose, only to be swiftly discarded due to their unwieldy nature and discomfort.

Amidst a procession of trials and errors, Moore’s determination ultimately bore fruit, yielding the definitive rendition of his invention. Yet, the journey to introduce this creation to the world was not one Moore could embark upon single-handedly, for it necessitated both financial backing and sagacious counsel.

With his foot scarcely in the door of the marketing domain, the prospect of propelling his business venture forward seemed daunting and protracted. Faced with this reality, Moore arrived at a strategic decision – to enlist the support of entrepreneurial “sharks”, individuals who held the expertise and resources required to transform his vision into a reality.

Joe Moore emerges as a visionary individual, bearing a luminary idea poised to illuminate the lives of countless individuals by enhancing their daily experiences. Across the globe, a multitude grapples with the burdensome challenges posed by allergies and asthma, casting a shadow over the routine. Moore’s aspiration encompassed the alleviation of these struggles by mitigating the array of irritants exacerbating these conditions.

Thus, his inventive endeavor materialized as an almost imperceptible nasal strip, discreetly adorning each nostril – a paradigm known as the First Defense Nasal Screen [4]. Functioning as an intricate nasal filter, this innovation acts as a gatekeeper, sieving a significant portion of allergens from the inhaled air. The resultant effect is a notable reduction in the susceptibility to allergy or asthma episodes.

Moore’s brainchild radiates with ingenuity, however, the comprehensive launch of the First Defense Nasal Screen remains a task too monumental for him to undertake single-handedly. Hindered by the absence of requisite financial support and lacking a network within the expansive realm of marketing, the prospect of establishing his enterprise seemed to stretch indefinitely into the future.

About Founders Of First Defense Nasal Screens

Herein lay the impetus for his strategic move – to present his concept on the illustrious platform of Shark Tank, renowned for its potential to be the crucible of a business’s ascendancy or demise. Moore harbored an aspiration that amongst the Sharks, at least one discerning visionary would perceive the latent potential within his trailblazing project, extending an offer that could catalyze the journey of bringing this innovative product to the masses.

The Pitch Of First Defense Nasal Screens At Shark Tank

Stepping onto the Shark Tank stage, Moore embarked on his quest for a $ 500,000 investment, in exchange for a 10% stake in his burgeoning enterprise [5]. He articulated that his motivation stemmed from the multitude of individuals grappling with nasal afflictions due to the inhalation of tainted air. The prevalence of commercials advocating nasal treatments, accounting for one out of every five televised advertisements, underscored the imperative for his intervention.

Driven by this demand, he ventured into the creation of a distinctive brand, aiming to introduce a revolutionary treatment. The culmination of his efforts led to the birth of the lightweight, non-invasive First Defense Nasal Screen, an innovation validated by clinical trials to reduce allergens, pollen, pollutants, and pet dander inhalation by nearly 99%.

As Moore concluded his pitch, he opened the floor to the scrutiny of the Sharks. Mark Cuban’s incredulous response reverberated through the room, momentarily disorienting Moore. Nonetheless, he swiftly regrouped, affirming his belief in the substantial potential of his product. Daymond John took a more substantive approach, probing into the actual sales figures. The revelation of approximately 1.7 million units sold at $ 0.60 each, as a part of a lucrative six-year contract yielding a total of $ 8 million, left the Sharks genuinely astonished [6].

With the contract serving as a tangible testament, the Sharks displayed heightened interest. Kevin O’Leary inquired about the potential global reach of the First Defense Nasal Screen, considering its relevance in regions where facial masks are commonplace. Moore enthusiastically endorsed its universal applicability, accentuating its efficacy in averting nasal infections and respiratory issues, given that most of our breath enters through the nasal passages.

A collaborative atmosphere persisted, with the Sharks delving into strategies for scaling production. Robert Herjavec raised the question of licensing, prompting Moore to recount his unsuccessful endeavor with a pharmaceutical company. Their preference for lucrative treatments over preventative measures underscored the significance of Moore’s personal investment in his venture, accounting for nearly $ 1 million to date.

The Pitch Of First Defense Nasal Screens At Shark Tank

Barbara Corcoran, while expressing reservations about the product’s clarity, sparked a dialogue on market education costs. O’Leary presented an offer involving both a royalty and equity share, soon joined by Cuban. However, Daymond John and Robert Herjavec demonstrated keen interest, leading to multiple offers competing for Moore’s consideration.

Ultimately, Moore’s commitment to remain part of the revolutionary journey led him to accept a revised offer from Daymond John, Kevin O’Leary, and Mark Cuban – a $ 750,000 investment for a 30% stake in the company, accompanied by a 10% perpetual royalty. After a brief recess, Moore rejoined the trio of Sharks, culminating in a transformative partnership that promised to propel the First Defense Nasal Screen into the global market.

First Defense Nasal Screens After The Shark Tank

First Defense Nasal Screen continues to thrive and maintain its momentum. Shortly after its appearance on the show, the company underwent a website overhaul and allocated its funds towards efficiently fulfilling the surged orders driven by its televised exposure. An informative video spotlighting the manifold advantages of the product was produced, garnering over 101,000 views.

As of 2023, the global availability of nasal filters has expanded to span more than 50 countries [7]. Securing patents in significant regions, including the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, China, and India, has fortified the brand’s position. The demand for these filters has shown remarkable strength, particularly in regions like Asia and the Middle East where air pollution remains a pressing concern.

The utility of the nasal screens has resonated not only within the sphere of allergies but also with professionals in the construction and mining sectors. However, the primary market segment remains individuals grappling with allergies.

Interestingly, during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the First Defense Nasal Screens garnered interest from individuals seeking an extra layer of protection in the scarcity of face masks. Many opted to use the nasal screens in conjunction with face masks to enhance filtration. This, in turn, led to a noticeable surge in sales, underscoring the versatility and relevance of the product in evolving circumstances.

For those intrigued by the prospect of experiencing the benefits of nasal screens, they are conveniently accessible through the brand’s official online platform. The purchasing options include a pack of seven screens for $ 9.98, a four-pack available for $ 35.99, or a more extensive 12-pack for $ 99.99 [8]

First Defense Nasal Screens At Shark Tank

Additionally, the company extends the option of a monthly subscription, comprising 28 sets of screens, at a cost of $ 35.99 per month.

Alternatively, the nasal screens are also available for purchase on Amazon. A perusal of the reviews on the platform reveals a predominantly positive reception. While there are occasional mentions of issues related to adhesive effectiveness, it’s notable that this concern doesn’t appear to be a prevailing or decisive factor in the overall assessment of the product.

The Net Worth Of First Defense Nasal Screens

With an extraordinary yearly income, it is hypothesized that the approximate valuation of the pioneering nasal filtration venture stands at approximately $ 50 million [9].

The company maintains a shroud of secrecy around its financial records, leaving us to speculate on its trajectory. Delving into the founder’s journey, Joe Moore’s decision to decline the investment offer from the Sharks appears to have been prudent.

Notably, this occurrence marks a first in the show’s history, considering that a significantly more lucrative proposition was seemingly on the horizon.

Alternatives To First Defense Nasal Screens

If you’re seeking alternatives to the First Defense Nasal Screens, there are several options worth considering:

  • Breathe Right Nasal Strips: Breathe Right offers adhesive nasal strips that work by physically opening nasal passages to facilitate easier breathing. These strips are widely available and can provide relief from congestion;
  • Sinus Rinse Kits: Neti pots or saline sinus rinse kits help clear nasal passages by flushing out mucus and allergens. These can be effective for those looking for a natural solution;
  • Air Purifiers: Investing in a high-quality air purifier can help filter out allergens, pollutants, and irritants from the air, improving indoor air quality;
  • Nasal Sprays: There are various nasal sprays available over-the-counter that provide relief from congestion and allergies. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before using them regularly;
  • Face Masks: While not solely focused on the nose, face masks can provide some protection against allergens and pollutants when properly fitted;
  • Nasal Filters: Apart from First Defense Nasal Screens, other brands offer similar products designed to filter out particles from the air you breathe;
  • Allergy Medications: Over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications can help manage symptoms effectively, providing relief from nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching;
  • Humidifiers: Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can alleviate dry nasal passages and make breathing more comfortable;
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If allergies or breathing issues persist, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and recommendations [10];

First Defense Nasal Screens After The Shark Tank


  1. Who is the CEO of First Defense Nasal Screens?

Numerous immensely triumphant products spring forth from a foundation of ingenuity, propelled by a fervent visionary at its core. In the case of First Defense Nasal Screens, that visionary is none other than its creator and inventor, Joe Moore.

  1. Do nasal screens work?

Nasal screens, also known as nasal filters, are designed to help filter out airborne particles and allergens, providing a physical barrier between the user’s nasal passages and the environment. They are typically made of a mesh material that traps particles while allowing air to pass through.

According to the search results, First Defense Nasal Screens claims to have certified testing that shows their product can make a significant difference in filtering particles even at sub-micron levels. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of nasal screens may vary depending on the specific product and individual circumstances.

While some people may find nasal screens helpful in reducing exposure to allergens and pollutants, it is important to remember that they are not a foolproof solution. Nasal screens should be used in conjunction with other measures such as maintaining good indoor air quality and practicing proper hygiene.

  1. Are nasal filters effective?

Nasal filters, when used properly, can be effective in reducing exposure to airborne particles and allergens. They provide a physical barrier that can help filter out a certain percentage of particles before they enter the nasal passages.

The effectiveness of nasal filters may vary depending on factors such as the quality of the filter material, the fit of the filter to the nose, and the size of the particles being filtered. It is important to choose high-quality nasal filters that are designed to filter out a wide range of particles, including allergens, dust, and pollutants.

While nasal filters can be effective in reducing exposure to certain particles, they may not completely eliminate all particles from entering the nasal passages. It is important to use nasal filters in conjunction with other measures such as maintaining good indoor air quality, practicing proper hygiene, and avoiding known allergens or pollutants.

  1. Can nasal spray damage your sinuses?

When used as directed, nasal spray is generally safe and does not cause damage to the sinuses. However, improper or excessive use of nasal spray can potentially cause side effects and complications.

Nasal sprays are commonly used to relieve nasal congestion, allergies, and sinus symptoms. They work by delivering medication or saline solution directly to the nasal passages, helping to reduce inflammation and congestion.

If you have concerns about using nasal spray or if you experience persistent or severe side effects, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for proper guidance and advice.

  1. Can nasal spray be bad?

Nasal spray, when used as directed, is generally safe and well-tolerated. However, improper or excessive use of nasal spray can potentially lead to side effects and complications.

One potential side effect of nasal spray overuse is rhinitis medicamentosa, also known as rebound congestion. This condition occurs when the nasal passages become dependent on the nasal spray for relief, leading to worsening congestion and the need for more frequent use of the spray.

Other potential side effects of nasal spray use can include nasal dryness, irritation, stinging, or burning sensation in the nose, sneezing, and nosebleeds. These side effects are typically mild and temporary, but if they persist or become severe, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

It is important to use nasal spray as directed, following the recommended dosage and duration of use. If you have concerns or questions about using nasal spray, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper guidance and advice.

  1. How long do nasal filters last?

The duration of nasal filters can vary depending on the specific product and individual usage. Some nasal filters are designed for single use and should be discarded after each use. Others may be reusable and can last for a certain number of uses before needing to be replaced.

If you are using disposable nasal filters, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and replace them as recommended. Reusable nasal filters should be cleaned and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure their effectiveness and longevity.

Are nasal filters effective?

  1. Does the nose filter oxygen?

The nose plays a crucial role in the respiratory process, but it doesn’t primarily filter oxygen. The primary function of the nose is to warm, humidify, and filter the air we breathe before it reaches the lungs. The nasal passages are lined with tiny hairs called cilia and mucus-producing cells. These structures work in tandem to trap and remove airborne particles, such as dust, allergens, and pollutants, from the inhaled air. Oxygen is extracted from the filtered air in the lungs, where it’s then transported into the bloodstream.

  1. What are the ingredients in the First Defense Nasal Screen products?

First Defense Nasal Screens consist of nasal dust covers crafted from entirely breathable, non-latex, and skin-safe materials. The company’s website or product packaging would likely provide detailed information about the ingredients used in their nasal screens or other products. It’s important to refer to the most up-to-date sources for accurate ingredient information.

  1. Where are the First Defense Nasal products made?

The global presence of First Defense Nasal Screens spans around more than 50 countries, supported by patents granted in regions including India, Japan, China, the US, Canada, and Europe. The company’s expansion has been notably propelled by heightened demand prevalent in the Middle East and Asia, regions where long-standing air pollution concerns have cultivated a pressing need for effective solutions.

  1. What is the nose spray on Shark Tank?

Without more specific details, it’s challenging to identify the exact nose spray you’re referring to. “Shark Tank” has featured various products over its seasons, and nose sprays addressing different issues could have been presented on the show. If you can provide more information or context about the specific nose spray you’re asking about, I’d be happy to help further.

  1. Who invented nasal strips?

Nasal strips, designed to aid in breathing by physically opening nasal passages, were invented by Bruce Johnson. In the late 1980s, Bruce Johnson founded CNS, Inc. (Breathe Right, Inc.), which introduced Breathe Right nasal strips to the market. The invention was a result of Johnson’s desire to find a solution for his own nasal congestion issues. The concept gained popularity and has since become a widely used product to alleviate nasal congestion during sleep and for sports activities.

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