Mark Sullivan Generator: What Happened After Shark Tank

Mark Sullivan Generator: What Happened After Shark Tank

In the wake of Mark Sullivan’s intriguing pitch on Shark Tank, where he sought investment for his conceptual Sullivan Generator, curiosity has mounted about the fate of this revolutionary energy concept. With claims of harnessing Earth’s rotation to generate electricity and extract valuable minerals, the generator stirred both interest and skepticism. 

As the theoretical design faced scrutiny from the Sharks, questions arose about its viability and the subsequent trajectory of Mark Sullivan’s venture.

This article delves into the aftermath of the Shark Tank appearance, exploring the developments, challenges, and the ultimate fate of the Mark Sullivan Generator concept.

What Is Mark Sullivan Generator:

The Sullivan Generator introduces an innovative conceptual blueprint for a generator aiming to generate renewable and cost-free energy [1]. This groundbreaking design harnesses the Earth’s rotation exclusively to achieve its goal. If realized, this idea could bring a rare smile to the usually solemn countenance of environmental advocate Greta Thunberg! 

The Coriolis effect is the driving force behind the rotational movement of the generator. A fascinating side effect of this mechanism is the generation of gold. Furthermore, the procedure holds the potential to convert seawater into potable drinking water as part of its industrial applications.

What Is Mark Sullivan Generator


  • Renewable Energy Source: The standout feature of the Sullivan Generator is its commitment to clean, renewable energy. It harnesses the power of the Earth’s spinning energy, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional generators. This aligns with the growing global demand for sustainable solutions;
  • Versatility: One of the key strengths of the Sullivan Generator is its versatility. It can be used in various settings, from residential homes to outdoor events. Its compact design and easy portability make it a practical choice for those looking to have a reliable power source on the go;
  • Smart Technology Integration: The Sullivan Generator comes equipped with smart technology, allowing users to monitor and control energy production through a user-friendly app. This level of connectivity enhances the overall user experience, providing real-time data on energy consumption and efficiency;
  • Quiet Operation: Unlike traditional generators that are often noisy and disruptive, the Sullivan Generator prides itself on its quiet operation. This feature makes it an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor use, without causing disturbances to the surrounding environment;
  • Long Battery Life: The generator boasts an impressive battery life, capable of sustaining power for extended periods. This is particularly advantageous during power outages or in off-grid locations, providing users with a reliable and consistent energy source;


  • High Initial Cost: One of the major drawbacks of the Sullivan Generator is its initial cost. The technology and materials used in its construction contribute to a higher price point compared to traditional generators. While it may be an investment in the long run, the upfront expense may deter some potential buyers;
  • Dependence on Weather Conditions: As a renewable energy source, the Sullivan Generator is dependent on weather conditions. Cloudy days or periods of low wind can impact its efficiency, potentially leading to fluctuations in power production. This limitation may pose challenges in regions with inconsistent weather patterns;
  • Limited Power Output: While suitable for many residential and outdoor applications, the Sullivan Generator may not be powerful enough for larger industrial or commercial settings. Users with high energy demands may find its output insufficient, requiring them to supplement their power needs with additional sources;
  • Learning Curve: The integration of smart technology, while a pro for tech-savvy users, may pose a challenge for those less familiar with such systems. The learning curve associated with the app and control interface could be a drawback for individuals who prefer simpler, more straightforward devices;
  • Maintenance Requirements: Like any technology, the Sullivan Generator requires regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Users must be diligent in adhering to maintenance schedules, which may include software updates and inspections. Failure to do so could result in decreased efficiency or potential malfunctions;

Who May Benefit From Using?

Residential Consumers

Homeowners keen on reducing their environmental footprint and energy bills can benefit from alternative energy solutions like Lumina Solar Roofing and the Evergreen Dynamo System. These technologies offer residential users a chance to generate their clean energy and, in some cases, even contribute excess power back to the grid [2].

Remote Communities

In isolated or off-grid areas, the HydroHarmony Hydroelectric System and the SolaWave Ocean Energy Converter can provide sustainable power sources. These technologies are particularly beneficial for remote communities that may not have easy access to traditional power infrastructure.

Wind-Rich Regions

Regions with consistent wind patterns, such as coastal areas or elevated landscapes, are ideal for the AeroVolt Wind Turbine Array. Residents and businesses in these locations can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity efficiently.

Commercial and Industrial Sectors

Businesses looking to incorporate eco-friendly practices and reduce operating costs may find the GeoGen Geothermal Heat Pump a viable alternative. Its steady and reliable heat source can be utilized for various industrial processes, contributing to sustainability goals.

Who May Benefit From Using?

Technology Enthusiasts

Individuals intrigued by cutting-edge technologies may benefit from exploring the MagniCycle Magnetic Generator. Tech enthusiasts and researchers interested in unconventional approaches to energy generation can delve into the possibilities offered by magnetic fields.

Countries with Geothermal Resources

Nations situated above geothermal hotspots can leverage the GeoGen Geothermal Heat Pump to tap into a consistent and renewable energy source. This alternative is particularly relevant for countries with abundant geothermal resources.

Environmental Advocates

Those passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability, including activists like Greta Thunberg, may find satisfaction in supporting and promoting technologies that align with their values. Alternatives like the SolaWave Ocean Energy Converter contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and dependence on non-renewable resources.

Emergency Preparedness

Individuals and communities focused on emergency preparedness can benefit from the versatility of portable solutions like the Evergreen Dynamo System. These compact and mobile energy sources provide a reliable backup during power outages or emergencies.

Architects and Designers

Professionals in the construction and design industry may find value in incorporating aesthetically pleasing and functional solutions like Lumina Solar Roofing. These technologies allow architects to integrate renewable energy seamlessly into their designs, promoting sustainable and visually appealing structures.

Coastal Development Projects

Developers working on coastal projects may consider the SolaWave Ocean Energy Converter as part of their sustainable infrastructure. This technology harnesses the energy of ocean waves, offering a clean and continuous power source for coastal communities.

About the Founders Of Mark Sullivan Generator

The brainchild of Mark Sullivan showcased in episode 311 of season 3, is the Sullivan Generator [3]. Hailing from Texas, this inventive mind asserted the existence of a groundbreaking generator, aptly named “The Sullivan Generator,” designed to produce electricity by capitalizing on the Earth’s rotation. As a member of the MENSA Society, Sullivan contended that the Coriolis Effect would induce the generator’s spin, resulting in the generation of free energy and an intriguing by-product: gold!

Mark Sullivan confidently asserts that the Sullivan Generator can tap into the natural energy generated by the Earth’s rotation.

Interestingly, Mr. Sullivan has maintained a low public profile since his appearance at a MENSA seminar in July 2012. Despite this, he has not been idle in the innovation sphere, holding an impressive total of 36 patents for the generator. To fund its development, Sullivan actively collects donations through PayPal.

As a self-taught inventor with a prolific track record of over 1000 unique inventions, some of which generate royalties, Sullivan sees the Sullivan Generator as a potential game-changer with the power to positively impact the planet. At the core of his vision is a reduction in our dependence on environmentally harmful coal for electricity generation.

Setting an ambitious target, Mark Sullivan initially aimed to manufacture 200 remotely operated generators. He believed that, with adequate financial support, all 200 generators could be operational within nine months.

About the Founders Of Mark Sullivan Generator

Sullivan’s grand vision extends beyond the manufacturing process; he perceives his revolutionary notion as a potential course-altering development in human history. He aspires to present the Sullivan Generator, capable of harnessing energy from the Earth’s rotation, on the popular TV show, ABC’s Shark Tank.

While the concept might initially sound implausible, Sullivan stands firm in his conviction. The visionary inventor not only aims to harvest energy but also anticipates two valuable by-products from the Sullivan Generator: the production of potable water from salty ocean water and the extraction of valuable minerals like manganese and gold [4].

Acknowledging the ambitious nature of his vision, Sullivan is convinced of the worthiness of investing in this innovative product. However, recognizing the substantial financial requirements and the need for extensive business connections to bring his vision to life, Sullivan sought the support of the Sharks.

Despite his accomplishments, including designing the generator and securing crucial patents, he acknowledges the inherent limitations of working alone. His outreach to the Sharks reflects his belief that they would recognize the immense potential in the Sullivan Generator and contribute to its realization.

The Pitch Of Mark Sullivan Generator At Shark Tank

Mark Sullivan, a seasoned inventor boasting over 1000 creations, strategically lays the groundwork by presenting his extensive innovation background to the Sharks. With the stage set, he unveils his asking price: $ 1 million for a 10% stake in his groundbreaking creation, the Sullivan Generator [5].

The generator, as Sullivan passionately explains, harnesses energy from Earth’s rotation. It ingeniously processes saltwater from the ocean, leaving behind filtered minerals. The ensuing water vapor ascends into a vortex chamber, where the Coriolis Effect induces rapid spinning, creating a hurricane. This force propels turbines, generating electricity.

Capturing the Sharks’ attention, Sullivan discloses that the generator’s by-products include valuable minerals—manganese and gold. The prospect of a potential $ 97 billion from gold collection intrigues the Sharks, setting the stage for further exploration. Sullivan envisions deploying 200 internet-controlled generators, envisioning a transformative impact on the world. However, before delving deeper, Kevin O’Leary lightens the mood with a humorous remark, prompting laughter. Mark Cuban, ever pragmatic, delves into Sullivan’s background, discovering his degrees in biochemical engineering and physics, along with years of meticulous development.

Despite Sullivan’s model of the vortex chamber, the highly technical terms alienate Daymond John, who opts not to invest due to his lack of scientific understanding. Robert Herjavec seeks clarity on the gold and manganese by-products, learning that hurricanes naturally leave similar minerals. Sullivan projects that, with a 100-foot-tall generator, 1 cubic mile of saltwater could yield 1,500 tons of gold.

Skeptical of the timeline, Mark Cuban deems the project too risky, withdrawing from the investment opportunity. Three Sharks remain intrigued, probing Sullivan’s diverse inventions, from artificial hearts to music and fashion design. Amid laughter, Sullivan’s eccentric character shines through.

The Pitch Of Mark Sullivan Generator At Shark Tank

Herjavec explores a smaller investment, prompting Barbara Corcoran to bow out, followed by O’Leary, deeming the technology interesting but not worth the risk. Herjavec aligns with O’Leary, concluding the pitch without an investment.

Despite leaving the Shark Tank without financial backing, Sullivan remains undeterred, assuring the Sharks that his journey with the Sullivan Generator is far from over. With determination and further refinement, he aims to bring his revolutionary creation to the forefront, poised to make a transformative impact on the world.

Mark Sullivan Generator After The Shark Tank

Regrettably, the Sullivan Generator failed to materialize, met with widespread skepticism regarding the scientist’s ambitious claims. This skepticism was echoed on platforms like Reddit, where users dismissed the idea of extracting gold from water as implausible, pointing out that if such a feat were possible, it would likely have been achieved long ago.

Mark Sullivan’s various projects and inventions are showcased on his website, Mark Sullivan Research. However, doubts cast on the validity of his claims raise questions about the entire situation.

While Sullivan asserted having amassed over a billion dollars through patents, the decision to seek a mere $ 1 million investment in Shark Tank raises eyebrows [6]. Furthermore, discrepancies in his educational background, with unverified post-graduate studies, contribute to the skepticism surrounding his story. 

Given these uncertainties, it’s not surprising that none of the sharks opted to invest in the product. Investors typically steer clear of ventures lacking credibility or believability.

Despite the setback, it appears that Mark Sullivan, the scientist (not the shark), remains undeterred in his pursuit of innovation. His website showcases various other projects he has worked on, demonstrating a continued commitment to exploration and experimentation.

However, details about his recent endeavors are scarce. Even on professional platforms like LinkedIn, his profile merely designates him as a business owner at self-employed, leaving ambiguity about whether this refers to Mark Sullivan Research. While the specifics of his current ventures remain elusive, one thing is certain: he has etched his place in memory as “the wacky scientist on Shark Tank.”

Mark Sullivan Generator After The Shark Tank

The Net Worth Of Mark Sullivan Generator

Mark presented an intriguing proposition to the Sharks, seeking a $ 1 million investment in exchange for a 10% share in his business. Though, the deal failed and the current net worth is unknown [7]

Alternatives To Mark Sullivan Generator:

1) Evergreen Dynamo System

The Evergreen Dynamo System presents an alternative vision for renewable energy by utilizing a combination of solar panels and advanced energy storage technology. This system capitalizes on both solar and battery innovations to provide a reliable and continuous power supply, independent of external factors like the Earth’s rotation.

2) AeroVolt Wind Turbine Array

For those looking to harness the power of the wind, the AeroVolt Wind Turbine Array stands out as an alternative to traditional generators. This system consists of an array of vertical-axis wind turbines designed for efficiency and minimal environmental impact. It’s a promising option for regions with consistent wind patterns.

3) HydroHarmony Hydroelectric System

Embracing the force of flowing water, the HydroHarmony Hydroelectric System offers an alternative that taps into hydroelectric power. By strategically placing turbines in rivers and streams, this system generates electricity without relying on Earth’s rotation, making it a versatile choice for various geographical locations.

4) Lumina Solar Roofing

Lumina Solar Roofing takes a unique approach by integrating solar panels directly into roofing materials. This alternative not only generates electricity but also serves a dual purpose as a roofing solution. It’s an aesthetically pleasing and space-efficient option for residential and commercial buildings.

5) GeoGen Geothermal Heat Pump

Geothermal energy provides a reliable and constant heat source, and the GeoGen Geothermal Heat Pump leverages this potential. By tapping into the Earth’s natural heat, this alternative system produces energy consistently, independent of factors such as the Coriolis effect. It’s particularly effective in regions with stable geothermal resources [8].

6) MagniCycle Magnetic Generator

The MagniCycle Magnetic Generator explores magnetic energy as an alternative power source. Using magnetic fields in a closed-loop system, this generator aims to produce continuous energy without external dependencies. It’s an intriguing concept that diverges from traditional methods of power generation.

7) SolaWave Ocean Energy Converter

Drawing inspiration from the vast energy potential of the oceans, the SolaWave Ocean Energy Converter transforms wave energy into electricity. This alternative device captures the rhythmic motion of ocean waves, offering a sustainable and consistent power source suitable for coastal regions.

Alternatives To Mark Sullivan Generator


  1. What was the Sullivan generator from Shark Tank?

The Sullivan Generator, featured on Shark Tank, was a conceptual design proposed by inventor Mark Sullivan. It claimed to harness energy from the Earth’s rotation, using a process involving seawater to generate electricity and extract valuable minerals, including gold.

  1. What did Mark Sullivan invent?

Mark Sullivan, a self-proclaimed inventor, presented the Sullivan Generator on Shark Tank. While the generator was a key focus, Sullivan has claimed to have invented over 1000 creations, including artificial hearts, music, and fashion designs.

  1. Is gold a worthless metal?

No, gold is a precious metal valued for its rarity, durability, and aesthetic appeal. In the context of the Sullivan Generator, gold was mentioned as a by-product of the generator’s operation, contributing to its perceived value.

  1. Is Mark from Shark Tank a billionaire?

Yes, he is a billionaire. He is a successful entrepreneur, investor, and owner of the Dallas Mavericks NBA team. Mark Cuban has amassed his wealth through various business ventures, including the sale of his internet startup,, to Yahoo! in 1999.

  1. Who was the man who was rejected by Shark Tank?

Mark Sullivan, the inventor of the Sullivan Generator, faced rejection on Shark Tank when seeking investment for his conceptual energy device. The Sharks raised questions about the feasibility and practicality of the generator.

  1. What was the biggest Shark Tank fail?

While the definition of the “biggest” Shark Tank fails may vary, some notable failures include products like the Ionic Ear, a device that claimed to transmit sound through the teeth, and the Hy-Conn, a quick-change fire hose connector. These products faced rejection due to feasibility and market concerns.

What was the Sullivan generator from Shark Tank?

  1. Who invented the artificial heart at Shark Tank?

The artificial heart was not invented on Shark Tank. However, Mark Sullivan, the inventor of the Sullivan Generator, has claimed to collect royalties on artificial hearts as one of his many inventions outside of the show.

Useful Video: Sharktank Sullivan Generator – Could it work?

