Inirv: What Happened After Shark Tank

Inirv: What Happened After Shark Tank

Getting a deal on Shark Tank is every entrepreneur’s dream, and for the team at Inirv, it was one of their proudest moments.

After pitched to the ‘sharks’ in 2017, they gained important connections and invaluable insight from the panel. But what happened after their big appearance?

In this blog post, we want to answer that question: how did Inivr turn their moment into sustainable success? We will also give tips for other entrepreneurs. Stay with us to learn about how Inirv did after Shark Tank.

What is Inirv?

Inirv is a smart home device that helps homeowners make their kitchens safer. It comes in the form of a smart knob that you can install on your gas stove to detect smoke, flames, and temperature levels.

If something goes wrong, the knob will automatically turn off the stove – giving users peace of mind knowing that their kitchen is safe.

Who is the Founder of the Inirv?

Inirv was started in 2015 by Ranjith Babu and Akshita Lyer. Ranjith is the boss and he is a very experienced engineer and business person. He thought of the idea for Inirv and asked his wife Akshita to help him make it real. 

Who is the Founder of the Inirv?

Both Ranjith and Akshita have lots of experience running businesses, so they work together on the Inirv team.

Review of Inirv

The Sharks were very impressed with Ranjith and Akshita’s pitch. Ranjith explained the product in great detail and the Sharks responded positively to it.

Ranjith even had a prototype of Inirv to show them so they could see it in action! However, Ranjith didn’t get a deal from the Sharks.

Pros & Cons

The pros of Inirv are that it is easy to install, has an intuitive interface and is very user friendly. Additionally, it is designed to be a preventative device so that homeowners don’t have to worry about kitchen fires. [1]

The cons of the product are that it can be expensive and there haven’t been any reports of kitchen fires prevented by Inirv.

Who Is Inirv for?

Inirv is most useful for homeowners who want some extra safety in their kitchen. It can be especially helpful for people who don’t pay close attention to what’s going on in the kitchen or for those who live with kids and pets that may not be as aware of potential dangers.

Are There Any Alternatives?

Yes, there are other alternatives to Inirv such as fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. However, these solutions require the user to manually react in order for them to be effective.

With Inirv, the device is able to detect any potential issues and automatically shut off the stove before anything bad happens.

Did the Inirv Get a Deal on Shark Tank?

Unfortunately, Ranjith and Akshita did not get a deal on Shark Tank. However, Ranjith says that the experience was invaluable as it gave them insight into what investors are looking for and how to pitch effectively.

What Happened to Inirv After Shark Tank?

Since their appearance on Shark Tank, Ranjith, and Akshita have made a few changes to the product. They have released a new version that works with both gas and electric stoves, as well as added voice control so you can turn your stove on or off using Alexa.

Ranjith has also continued to make connections in the tech space, which has allowed Inirv to gain more exposure. Ranjith and Akshita are now focused on getting the product into more homes so that it can help keep everyone safe.

What is the Net Worth of Inirv?

It is difficult to determine the exact net worth of Inirv as Ranjith and Akshita have not disclosed any figures. However, Ranjith has said that they are continuing to make progress with their product and that they are confident in their success. 

Did the Inirv Get a Deal on Shark Tank?

Is Inirv Still in Business?

Yes, Ranjith and Akshita are still running the business. The company is based in California and they continue to work hard on expanding its product line. They have also released a mobile app so that users can monitor their kitchens remotely.

Inirv has grown since Ranjith and Akshita started it. They have a great product and Ranjith is sure that Inirv will make kitchens safe.

Both Ranjith and Akshita love their company and they care about making good products. With their experience and passion, Inirv will keep being successful.


Who is the founder?

The founders of Inirv are Ranjith Babu and Akshita Lyer. Ranjith is a trained engineer and business person and his wife Akshita is an experienced entrepreneur who has helped Ranjith turn the idea of Inirv into reality.

What does Inirv do?

Inirv is a device that can be used to automatically turn off stoves in the case of a kitchen fire. It is designed to detect any unsafe conditions and shut off the stove before any damage can occur.

Where is Inirv available?

Inirv is currently available in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Ranjith and Akshita are working on expanding their availability to other countries.

What is the cost of Inirv?

Inirv currently costs $ 299 USD and it comes with a one-year warranty. Ranjith and Akshita are also offering a free trial for the device.

How does Inirv work?

Inirv uses a combination of sensors and technology to detect any potential problems in the kitchen. It is able to detect smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide levels, as well as automatically shut off the stove if it detects dangerous conditions.

How does Inirv work?

Ranjith and Akshita have designed Inirv so that it works with both gas and electric stoves.

Are there any other alternatives to Inirv?

Yes, there are other alternatives such as fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. However, these solutions require the user to manually react in order for them to be effective.

With Inirv, the device is able to detect any potential issues and automatically shut off the stove before anything bad happens. This gives the user peace of mind that their kitchen is safe.

Is Inirv Available on Amazon?

Yes, Inirv is available on Amazon. Ranjith and Akshita have made sure to make the product available on the most popular online platforms so that it can reach as many people as possible.

What are Ranjith Babu and Akshita Lyer doing now?

Ranjith and Akshita are currently working on making Inirv even better. Ranjith is focused on improving the technology behind the product while Akshita is focused on getting more exposure and finding ways to make the product more accessible.

They are also planning to expand their product line in the near future. Ranjith and Akshita have a vision of making kitchens safer and they won’t rest until they make that vision a reality.

Inirv is continuing to make progress since Ranjith and Akshita brought it to Shark Tank. Ranjith and Akshita are passionate about their product and are working hard to bring it into more homes so that everyone can be safe in their kitchen.

How much does Inirv cost?

Inirv currently costs $ 299 USD and it comes with a one-year warranty. Ranjith and Akshita are also offering a free trial for the device. Ranjith and Akshita have made sure to make the product affordable so that it can reach as many people as possible. 

What is Ranjith and Akshita’s vision for Inirv?

Ranjith and Akshita want kitchens to be safe. They have a dream of making sure everyone is safe in their kitchen. They are working hard to make this happen. Their product can help people stay safe, so they want it in more homes.

They believe that if you combine experience, passion, and knowledge, you can make something great like Inirv.

What else have Ranjith and Akshita done?

Inirv, Ranjith and Akshita have made other things apart from Inirv. They have created robotics and devices that connect to each other.

Ranjith knows a lot about engineering and how to make things work in computers, while Akshita helps them make decisions for their business. Both of them want to create stuff that makes people’s lives easier and safer. They are always trying to think of new ideas so they can help people even more.

How can Ranjith and Akshita’s work impact the world?

Ranjith and Akshita’s work has already had a big impact on the world. Inirv has made kitchens safer by providing an automated system that shuts off the stove if it detects any dangerous conditions.

Ranjith and Akshita are continuing to make progress with Inirv and are looking for ways to make it even better. Ranjith and Akshita also want to expand their product line so they can help even more people in the future.

Ranjith and Akshita’s work is making a difference in the world, and it will continue to do so as they strive towards their goal of making kitchens safe for everyone.

Why is Ranjith and Akshita’s work important?

Ranjith and Akshita’s work is important because it can help keep people safe. They have made a device called Inirv which stops the stove from working if it detects something that could cause a fire.

They are also trying to create more products so they can help even more people in the future.

Ranjith and Akshita care a lot about their work. They want everyone to be safe in the kitchen. They have already made a big difference and they will keep working hard to make sure all kitchens are safe.

Does Ranjith and Akshita have any advice for budding entrepreneurs?

Ranjith and Akshita have some advice for people who want to become entrepreneurs. They say don’t give up and keep trying your best. You must be passionate about what you do and work hard.

It may be difficult to start, but if you keep going, anything is possible! Also, it’s important to have a team of people around you who can help with your goals.

Ranjith and Akshita think it is important to listen to feedback. Even if it is hard to hear, the feedback can help you make changes that will help you be successful. Ranjith and Akshita have seen that if you keep trying and using the right tools, anything can happen.

Do Ranjith and Akshita have any plans for the future?

Ranjith and Akshita have big plans for the future. They are currently focusing on making Inirv better, but they also plan to make other products in the future.

Ranjith and Akshita want to use technology to help people in all aspects of their lives, and they want to make sure that everyone is safe.

Do Ranjith and Akshita make any special appearances?

Yes, Ranjith and Akshita have made some special appearances. They appeared on “Shark Tank” in 2016 to pitch their idea for Inirv.

Ranjith and Akshita also regularly present at conventions and events that focus on technology and entrepreneurship.

Is there anything Ranjith and Akshita want people to know?

Yes, Ranjith and Akshita would like everyone to know that it is possible to make a difference in the world. Ranjith and Akshita have already made a difference by creating Inirv, but they want everyone to know that they can do the same.

Ranjith and Akshita believe that with hard work, dedication, and the right tools, anyone can make a difference in the world. They want people to know that they can do anything they set their minds to and make a difference in the world.

Can Ranjith and Akshita work be replicated?

Ranjith and Akshita made something called Inirv that helps people stay safe. They want everyone to have access to this safety tool.

So, they made it available for free on their website and shared their work with others. People can use the same work Ranjith and Akshita did in their own homes or businesses. This way, more people can stay safe too.

Can Ranjith and Akshita work be replicated?

Can Ranjith and Akshita’s work also be used for other purposes?

Yes, Ranjith and Akshita’s work can also be used for other purposes. Ranjith and Akshita have created a device that can detect potential dangers in the home, like smoke or gas leaks.

This technology can be used to create products that can detect other hazards like carbon monoxide, radon gas, and more.

Ranjith and Akshita want their work to be used for the betterment of society and they are excited to see what people come up with. Ranjith and Akshita hope that their work will help create a safer world.

Which advice Ranjith and Akshita would like to give to other entrepreneurs?

Ranjith and Akshita believe that if you are passionate about something, you should keep going. They also say that it is important to have a team of people around you who can help with your goals.

Ranjith and Akshita recommend listening to feedback, even if it is hard to hear, as it can help you make changes that will help you be successful.

Useful Video: Inirv React


After the show Shark Tank showed Inirv, the company became really successful. They have been making products to make homes safer and they are trying to think of new ideas all the time. Now, Inirv is working hard to get their product on shelves so more people can buy it.

Inirv listens to what customers say about their products. That way, the products become better and more reliable. Inirv is one of the most successful companies on Shark Tank. It shows how innovation can make our lives easier.

What Inirv has done since appearing on Shark Tank is really amazing. You should look into what Inirv can do to make your home safer. You won’t regret it!

