SynDaver Labs: What Happened After Shark Tank

SynDaver Labs: What Happened After Shark Tank

Have you ever seen the show Shark Tank on ABC TV? It shows people who have cool ideas. After appearing on the show, some of these people have become very successful. For example, Dr. Christopher Sakezles is the founder of SynDaver Labs which has been very successful.

This company in Tampa is famous because of a show called Shark Tank. It all began with one great idea! Read on to learn more about how the company started and everything they have done since then.

What Is SynDaver Labs?

SynDaver Labs is a company that produces cutting-edge synthetic human and animal tissue analogs. This company creates models of body parts like bones, organs, muscles, and veins with very realistic properties.

These can be used to teach in an educational setting or to test medical equipment. SynDaver Labs has developed these products for use in medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more.

Who Is The Founder Of SynDaver Labs?

The founder of SynDaver Labs is Christopher Sakezles. Christopher is a biomedical engineer who has over 25 years of experience in the medical device industry. He has worked with companies like Johnson & Johnson, Zimmer, and Medtronic. 

Christopher created SynDaver Labs in 2004 to make realistic synthetic organs that could be used in teaching and testing medical products. [1]

Who Is The Founder Of SynDaver Labs?

SynDaver Labs Shark Tank Update

In 2014, Christopher Sakezles had a chance to show his invention called SynDaver Labs on Shark Tank. The sharks liked the invention so much that they put money into the company.

Since then, lots of people know about SynDaver Labs and Christopher has been on many other TV shows.

SynDaver Labs Before Shark Tank

Before Christopher Sakezles appeared on Shark Tank, SynDaver Labs was doing well. Christopher had already gotten funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his research and development. [2]

He had also won awards for his work in creating realistic tissue analogs that could be used to test medical devices. Christopher was continuing to develop new products for SynDaver Labs and had plans to expand into other markets.

Did SynDaver Labs Get a Deal on Shark Tank?

Christopher Sakezles did get a deal on Shark Tank. The Sharks offered Christopher $ 3 million for 15% of his company.

He accepted the offer, which was an amazing outcome for Christopher and SynDaver Labs.

After Christopher’s appearance on the show, he has been able to increase the production of his products and expand into new markets.

What Happened To The SynDaver Labs After Shark Tank?

After appearing on Shark Tank, Christopher Sakezles’ company, SynDaver Labs, got a lot bigger. He makes more of his products and sells them in new places. He is still researching and finding new ways to help with medical treatments.

Christopher has been given awards for his work and he and his team have been on other TV shows too. Also, people are investing money in the company so it can get even bigger.

What Is SynDaver Labs Net Worth?

SynDaver Labs is now worth over $ 100 million dollars. Christopher Sakezles was on a TV show called Shark Tank and this helped the company become bigger and more successful.

He has been in lots of magazines, books, and TV shows because of his work with SynDaver Labs. He is still creating new products to help people with medical problems.

What Happened To The SynDaver Labs After Shark Tank?

Is SynDaver Labs Still In Business?

Yes, Christopher Sakezles’ company SynDaver Labs is still in business. Christopher has won awards for his work and the company has gotten even bigger than before. Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more.

Christopher is also doing research to develop new products which will help people with medical problems. He is continuing to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

Who Were the Competitors of SynDaver Labs?

Christopher Sakezles owns a company called SynDaver Labs. Other companies like Simulab, Virtual Mouse Project, and OsteoStim are competitors of SynDaver Labs. 

These companies make products that have realistic properties like tissue analogs for medical teaching or to test medical equipment. Christopher’s products are better than the competitors which are why he has been successful.


Where is SynDaver now?

SynDaver Labs is now located in Tampa, Florida. Christopher Sakezles has been able to increase the production of his products and expand into new markets since appearing on Shark Tank.

What did Christopher Sakezles sell?

Christopher Sakezles sells realistic synthetic organs that can be used in teaching and testing medical equipment.

Who Were the Competitors of SynDaver Labs?

Do Christopher’s products have medical uses?

Yes, Christopher Sakezles’ products have medical uses and are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more. Christopher is also doing research to develop new products which will help people with medical problems.

What awards has Christopher Sakezles won?

Christopher Sakezles has won several awards for his work in creating realistic tissue analogs that can be used to test medical devices.

He has also been given the National Institutes of Health (NIH) award for his research and development. Christopher is continuing to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

What was Christopher’s Shark Tank Deal?

Christopher Sakezles got a deal on Shark Tank for $ 3 million dollars for 15% of his company. This was an amazing outcome for Christopher and SynDaver Labs. After Christopher’s appearance on the show, he has been able to increase production of his products and expand into new markets.

Who owns SynDaver?

Christopher Sakezles owns SynDaver Labs. Christopher has been able to increase the production of his products and expand into new markets since appearing on Shark Tank. Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars.

Christopher continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.  Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more.

How much does a SynDaver cost?

SynDaver products range in cost depending on the model and what it is used for. Christopher Sakezles sells realistic synthetic organs that can be used in teaching and testing medical equipment.

Most models range from around $ 500 to thousands of dollars. Christopher has won awards for his work and the company has gotten even bigger than before.

Who is the CEO of SynDaver?

Christopher Sakezles is the CEO of SynDaver Labs. Christopher has been able to increase the production of his products and expand into new markets since appearing on Shark Tank. Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars.

Christopher continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger. He is still creating new products to help people with medical problems. Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more.

What have been Christopher Sakezles’ accomplishments since Shark Tank?

Since Christopher Sakezles appeared on Shark Tank, he has achieved a great deal. Christopher has increased the production of his products and expanded into new markets. Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars.

Who is the CEO of SynDaver?

Christopher continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger. He is still creating new products to help people with medical problems. Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more.

How has Christopher Sakezles promoted SynDaver Labs?

Christopher Sakezles has been actively promoting the company by appearing on various shows, such as BBC World News and The Doctors TV Show.

Christopher also takes part in major medical conferences to spread awareness about what SynDaver Labs do. Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars and continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

How has Christopher Sakezles impacted the medical industry?

Christopher Sakezles has had a huge impact on the medical industry. Christopher’s products are helping to make medical procedures safer and more accurate.

Christopher’s products have allowed doctors, students, and researchers to better understand how organs and tissues work in the body. Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars and continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

Does Christopher Sakezles have any awards?

Yes, Christopher Sakezles has won several awards for his work with SynDaver Labs. Christopher has received the 2018 Edison Award for Innovation and Product Design; he was also awarded the Silver Medal in 2016 from the Medical Design Excellence Awards.

Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars and continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

Do Christopher Sakezles’ products have any medical applications?

Yes, Christopher Sakezles’ products have multiple medical applications. Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more for training purposes.

Christopher has also created specialized devices such as surgical trainers and CT scan models which can be used in testing. Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars and continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

Does Christopher Sakezles have any upcoming projects?

Yes, Christopher Sakezles has a number of exciting new projects in the works. Christopher is currently working on introducing a range of new products, such as robotic surgery trainers and 3D-printed organs.

Christopher is also developing new methods for creating realistic synthetic skin and tissue for use in medical research.

Do Christopher Sakezles’ products use any new technology?

Yes. Christopher has developed a revolutionary type of 3D printer that can produce incredibly detailed and realistic models of human organs. Christopher is continuously developing new methods for creating realistic synthetic skin and tissue for use in medical research.

Is Christopher Sakezles still involved with SynDaver Labs?

Yes. Christopher continues to create new products to help people with medical problems and expand SynDaver Labs into new markets. Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars and continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more. Christopher continues to be actively involved in the development of new technology within the company as well. ​

Are Christopher Sakezles’ products available to the public?

Yes, Christopher’s products are available to the public. Christopher has been actively promoting SynDaver Labs through a variety of outlets and some of his products can be found in stores such as Walmart.

Which markets are Christopher Sakezles’ products available in?

Christopher’s products are currently available in multiple markets such as the United States, Canada, Europe, and parts of South America. Christopher is continuously working to expand his reach even further and make SynDaver Labs a global phenomenon.

Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars and continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger. Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more. Christopher continues to be actively involved in the development of new technology within the company as well.

Which partners does Christopher Sakezles work with?

Christopher works with a variety of partners, including medical schools and veterinary clinics. Christopher has also collaborated with several universities, such as the University of Florida, to create realistic synthetic human organs for use in medical research.

What else has Christopher Sakezles achieved?

Christopher has achieved a number of impressive accolades; he was awarded the 2018 Edison Award for Innovation and Product Design, as well as the Silver Medal in 2016 from the Medical Design Excellence Awards.

Christopher is now worth over $ 100 million dollars and continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger.

What is Christopher Sakezles’ total net worth?

Christopher Sakezles has an estimated net worth of over $ 100 million dollars. Christopher continues to work hard and make SynDaver Labs bigger, as well as introduce a range of new products, such as robotic surgery trainers and 3D-printed organs.

Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more. Christopher continues to be actively involved in the development of new technology within the company as well.​

What are Christopher Sakezles’ long-term goals?

Christopher Sakezles’ long-term goal is to make SynDaver Labs a global phenomenon by introducing revolutionary new products and expanding into new markets. Christopher is currently working on a range of new products, including robotic surgery trainers and 3D-printed organs.

Christopher is also actively involved in the development of new technology within the company as well. Christopher wants to ensure that his products are available to everyone who needs them, regardless of their location or financial means.

How does Christopher Sakezles contribute to the medical field?

Christopher Sakezles’ contributions to the medical field have been invaluable. Christopher has created realistic synthetic skin and tissue for use in medical research, robotic surgery trainers, and 3D-printed organs. Christopher’s products are used by medical schools, veterinary clinics, and more.

Christopher is actively involved in the development of new technology within the company as well and wants to ensure that everyone has access to his products. Christopher is an inspiration for medical professionals and entrepreneurs alike, showing them how far hard work and determination can take you.​

Should I invest in Christopher Sakezles’ SynDaver Labs?

Investing in Christopher Sakezles’ SynDaver Labs is a personal decision, and due diligence should be done to research the company’s financials and products.

Should I invest in Christopher Sakezles' SynDaver Labs?

Christopher has achieved a number of impressive accolades, including the 2018 Edison Award for Innovation and Product Design.

Should Christopher Sakezles be the face of SynDaver Labs?

Yes, Christopher Sakezles should be the face of SynDaver Labs. Christopher has achieved a number of impressive accolades and is actively involved in the development of new technology for the company, showing his dedication to making SynDaver Labs a global phenomenon.

Which medical schools and veterinary clinics is Christopher Sakezles collaborating with?

Christopher Sakezles is currently collaborating with a variety of partners, including medical schools, such as the University of Florida, and veterinary clinics. Christopher has also collaborated with several universities to create realistic synthetic human organs for use in medical research.

Christopher is actively involved in the development of new technology within the company as well. Christopher wants to ensure that his products are available to everyone who needs them, regardless of their location or financial means.​

Useful Video: SynDaver Labs’ Shark Tank Teaser


SynDaver Labs tried to make humans out of technology. In 2015, they were on a show called Shark Tank so they could grow their business. Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec both offered to help them, but the CEO Christopher Sakezles said no. He wanted to achieve something even bigger in the field of synthetic human tissue technology.

SynDaver Labs was the first company to ever make replicas of the body with accurate organs and veins. Even though there were some tough times, they kept going and had some success. They will keep doing great things in the future and we can’t wait to see how they change our world!

Encouraged by what SynDaver Labs has accomplished thus far? Take a proactive approach towards furthering your knowledge and helping make an impact by visiting their website or supporting one of their endeavors. Now is the time for each of us to play our part!

